Improved Dashboard
Directly see the real amount to pay on the sales and purchases journals.
Analytic Accounting improved
Improvements in: hierarchy on analytic accounts, analytic distribution allowed thanks to the use of analytic tags, new analytic accounting report, etc.
Bank Statement Import
Bank statements reconciliation interface opens directly when importing a new bank statement.
Payment Acquirers
Requests sent to payment providers as well as received responses are stored in a log file, in order to simplify debug.
Clear Totals on Reports
Subtotals are displayed.
Currency Rates
Prevents the creation of negative or null currency rates.
Tax Report Audit
Click on tax report lines to audit them.
Credit Notes in Dashboard
Get access to the customer credit notes directly by clicking on “View Invoices” from the sales dashboard.
Canadian Localization
Exchange rates can be automatically updated from the Bank of Canada.
Analytic Accounts on Taxes
Analytic accounts can be added on the customer invoices tax lines.
Chinese Localization
Chart of accounts and taxes have been updated.
Hong Kong Localization
The accounting localization for Hong Kong (CoA, taxes, ...) is now available.
Singapore Localization
GST Returns and IRAS Audit File have been added. This localization is complete.
Swiss Localization
The Swiss taxes have changed in January 2018, these are included.
First day of the week
Choose the first day of the week in the calendar views and application.
New users easily find their way thanks to the improved starting tips: customize the pipeline, create an opportunity, schedule activities, etc.
Done and Schedule Next Activity Button
Users often log an activity and want to schedule another one immediately. That is why a Done and Schedule button has been added on the next activity modal.
Mention users in Green
In the edit mode, when mentioning a recipient, their name is in green, so the users understand that the mention is effective.
Improve Channel push notifications
Get a notification for a channel only when you've been pinged.
Improvement of the empty messages
Better User Interface for the on-boarding messages displayed on an empty view.
Remove Unwanted Spaces from Chat
Remove all unnecessary empty lines from the chatter (except those between paragraphs).
Access rights changed on Activities type
Only Managers can change the type of activities (Call, Emails, Todo, etc.). Employees can only read these activity types.
UTM Statistics
New pie chart in the dashboard with sales statistics by campaign source medium.
Print Coupons
Print & send codes to customers with a dedicated email template.
Product Pricing
Prices and taxes are grouped together on the product form for an easier configuration of the product.
Email Marketing
Better Onboarding
Starting steps have been improved to ease user adoption.
Mailing lists merge
Create a new email campaign with email lists used previously.
Plain Text emails
Write plain text emails that look more personal, with the same easiness than traditional email software.
Next Activities on Employees
"Schedule an activity" button is now available on employees's form.
Filter on Employees's Attendance
Filter on the last attendance dates of your employees.
New "Upcoming" Filter
In the kanban view, events in the "in progress" stage are now displayed on the basis of their end dates.
Expenses in Company Currency
Printing the expense report displays the amount of the expense in the currency of the company.
Link in Vendor card
To avoid delay for the employee, the accountant has now a direct link to the expenses report to approve. This link is located in the vendor bills card in the accounting dashboard.
Clean re-invoice flow
The computation of the delivered quantity is automatically done when using stock moves, time sheet or expenses (through analytic line). The re-invoice flow for analytic line (vendor bills and hr expenses) has been cleaned using the re-invoice policy as it should be.
Traceability reports
End users can easily read the traceability report.
Quantity Available per Warehouse
When creating a sales order, see in which warehouse where stock is available.
Landed Costs Usability improvements
A stat button has been created to archive landed costs, etc.
Push Rules
Push rules use the preferred routes. They don't apply globally like before.
Packages improvements
Improvements on the packages features: cleaner screens, new tool tips, improved pdf documents, etc.
Return Products
Return products in another warehouse than the warehouse they were coming from.
Next activities for exceptions
When there are exceptions to manage, a next activity is logged on the impacted document. Example: decrease the ordered quantity on a sales orders, log a next activity on the delivery.
Weight Unit Measure
Define in your general settings if you work with kilograms or pounds. This is especially useful when working with carriers integrations.
Repair Order
The product repaired cannot be moved between locations. It’s repaired in one location and stays there.
Multi Currency
Create an invoice from a sales or purchase order: the invoice is in the same currency than the SO/PO.
Payment Terms
More flexibility and precision on the payment terms. E.g: invoice due in 15 days, the 7th of the month
Stripe Payment Acquirer
Stripe is now a payment acquirer that can be used to manage subscriptions, just like Authorize and Ingenico.
Invoicing Usability improvements
Active currencies are showed by default.
Attachment Field on Help Form
New Attachment field is available by default on the ticket submit form. Attachments are logged in the chatter of the ticket. Use the quick preview to check the documents instead of downloading them.
Usability improvements
Navigation to Configure Helpdesk Teams is easier.
OEE Report
On the overall equipment effectiveness report, pivot and list views are grouped by work-center by default. You can see from which MO and WO the time has been recorded.
Onboarding guided steps
Starting steps have been improved to ease user adoption.
Cover image - usability improvement
Easier to change and remove a cover image.
Forecast Improvement ENTERPRISE
Forecast a project by day, week or month. It's easier now, just fill in the agenda like in a spreadsheet.
Rating Dashboard - usability improvement
The Dashboard has been improved: New design, better organization.
Sub-tasks improvement
Behavior of sub tasks has changed. Now sub-tasks can be part of any project. You can see at a glance the allocated/spent hours on the parent tasks and children tasks.
Timesheet Improvements ENTERPRISE
Better usability of the Timesheet Apps.
Representative on PO
A coworker is now assigned as representative on a Purchase Order.
PO for Services
Edit the Received Quantity on the Purchase Order if a service is purchased.
Blanket Orders
Opened blanket orders are taken into account when a Request For Quotation is created automatically. Other usability improvements on blanket orders: stages, vendor field required, adapted for multi-currency.
Better Onboarding
Users adopt more easily the app thanks to the improvement of the starting steps.
Remove Order Lines
Messages are more comprehensive when trying to remove order lines of a confirmed order.
Edit Addresses
Edit the invoicing and shipping addresses directly in a confirmed order.
Available Delivery Methods
Filter delivery methods based on destination availability.
Renaming of custom fields in Studio
Editing the label of a field will rename the technical name of field according to the custom label.
Static files in a separate bundle
In order to improve performance, the code is loaded only for users with access to Studio.
Improvement of binary fields
A binary field is now always dropped with an associated char field (whose role is to contain the file name with its correct extension). As a result, files uploaded via a Studio binary field keep their names when they are subsequently downloaded.
Edit and order selection values
Allow label editing on selection fields.
Invoicing address
When a subscription is generated from a sales order, it’s now the invoicing address of the sales order that is used in the subscription to generate recurring invoices.
Technical changes
New XML id's guidelines for fields
Use two underscore to separate field name. That way, a field name may contains underscore. New specification is <module> .field_<model_name>__<field_name>
Native support for ir.config_parameter in res.config
Now a config_parameter attribute automatically sets/gets an ir.config_parameter.
New _message_log method in mail_thread
This method is a shortcut that can conveniently replace a message_post. As a side effect, this can improve performances by reducing number of queries.
Tests tags
Now developers can tag the automated tests. Such a tag can be selected from the command line. That way, one can avoid to launch all the tests when developing.
Email notification templates
Those templates are now QWeb based instead of Jinja.
Name change for repair
Technical change: the module mrp_repair has been renamed into repair.
User Experience
Clean messaging tool
Less tracking on sub-types and few user Interface improvements.
Improve Chatter's Layout
No more horizontal scrolling on the chat windows to ease the user experience.
Quick create with more fields
Add fields on the quick create on kanban views.
Ease Import of Contacts
Import templates are suggested when importing contacts.
Update Translation: lighter design
Simplify/reduce the warning message when we update a record in multi-languages.
"Hide in Kanban" tag's color
Tags hidden in kanban are now white with a grey border instead of grey and easier to understand.
Ease Import of Products
Import templates are suggested when importing products.
Leave Improvements
Better usability of the Leave Apps.
Tips page
Menu tips have been improved with a new layout and new texts for a better onboarding.
Set padding to building blocks
It’s now easy to customize the height of a building block by adding a padding.
Find the perfect theme for my business
Search the official website themes with business keywords and find easily a tailored one for your business.
Free on Odoo OnlineNew media manager
Choosing background pictures is quicker thanks to a direct access to the media manager.
Affix Menu
All official themes come with an option to keep the website menu visible when scrolling down.
Facebook Widget
New building block to show a Facebook fan page widget on your website.