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Mudelli Smart Furniture Solutions

Mudelli Smart Furniture Solutions

Mudelli is a Maltese company that specializes in creating innovative and customizable smart
furniture solutions. They combine traditional craftsmanship with modern technology to create
furniture that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and practical. Their
furniture includes features such as wireless charging, built-in speakers, and adjustable
lighting, all controlled by a mobile app. Mudelli's furniture is made using high-quality
materials and sustainable manufacturing processes, ensuring both durability and
environmental responsibility. Their products are designed to enhance the user's living
experience by providing convenience, comfort, and style. Overall, Mudelli is a unique and
forward-thinking furniture company in Malta that offers cutting-edge smart furniture solutions.

4Sight was engaged to help Mudelli replace an old legacy on premise solution. With 4Sight’s
help Mudelli has totally digitalised it’s operation and today uses Accounts, POS, warehouse,
website and ecommerce solutions. 4Sight has also provided Mudelli with several
customisations to help their business be more efficient using Odoo.