Egypro FME
Egypro FME, a subsidiary of Wadi Degla Holding, works in the field of facility management, engineering and water desalination since 2002.During the last 20 years, Egypro FME has successfully created a complete portfolio of day-to-day facility management services, which ensures covering all our clients’ scope. Our dedicated teams thrive to expand our comprehensive scope of integrated facility management services through continuous technical and business development.
We are committed to delivering services tailored to the unique requirements of each client. This allows a greater control over quality, maximizing the lifecycle, and adding value to our clients’ assets. Oskrba z vodo
It all started in 1989 with the launch of the first Ice Tank; a durable water preserver that holds 12L of chilled water for up to 12 hours.Since then, Minlo has been delighting millions of Egyptian households and consumers every year, through offering healthy, easy, affordable, reliable & trusted solutions & managed to become the market leader in Water Filters, Coolers, Personal Insulated Bottles & Water Dispensers. Oskrba z vodo
RO United is one of the leading contracting companies in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Our projects cover a wide range of contracting projects including water and sewage projects for public utilities, water and sewage treatment, and water treatment wells. In addition to importing electromechanical equipment, we aim to satisfy our customers by offering them the best value for moneyOskrba z vodo
Limited liability company “L.L.C” under the Investment law of Arab Republic of Egypt, established in 2014 as a local partner for Xylem a leading global water technology company with operations in more than 150 countries and Pulsafeeder the leading dosing pumps manufacturing company. The word “Rheo-” refers to Greek word “Rheos” where it combines from meaning “flow,” “current,” “stream,” Rheoserve services extend to fulfill Water Utilities, Industrial & Building Services market segments needs with well-known industry-leading brands and water solution products . Oskrba z vodoجهاز تنظيم مياه الشرب والصرف الصحى وحماية المستهلك
أنشئ جهاز تنظيم مياه الشرب والصرف الصحي وحماية المستهلك بموجب القرار الجمهوري رقم (136) لسنة 2004، بهدف تنظيم ومتابعة ومراقبة كل ما يتعلق بأنشطة مياه الشرب والصرف الصحي على مستوى الجمهورية، على نحو يمكن ويشجع الجهات العاملة بالقطاع من تحقيق أعلى مستوى من الأداء بما يضمن استمرارية الخدمة بالجودة والكفاءة المطلوبة ويقدم الخدمة للمستهلك بصورة مرضية و بأنسب الأسعار. Oskrba z vodoمياة جنوب سيناء
شركة مساهمة مصرية برأسمال مصري 100%أوائل الشركات الرائدة في مجال تحلية مياه البحر ومعالجة وتنقية مياه الصرف الصحي ، وهى من الشركات التي تتمتع بمكانة طيبة لدى جميع المنشآت السياحية الموجودة بمدينة شرم الشيخ وأن مشروعاتها العملاقة تعتبر صرحا شامخا وعلامة مضيئة والتي تؤكد على أن القطاع الخاص يمكنه الاستمرار في تقديم خدماته لصالح الدولة ومشروعاتها القومية وخدمة أغراض التنمية الاقتصادية والسياح Oskrba z vodo