Barbizon S.L. es una editorial especializada en productos digitales. Con veinte años de experiencia en el sector sanitario con la publicación del diario digital Acta Sanitaria, en los últimos años han expandido sus productos a otras áreas, como una revista sobre el mundo animal, una editorial de literatura juvenil y la edición y maquetación de documentos digitales. La empresa cuenta con profesionales creativos y dinámicos y con una filosofía basada en la información independiente. IzobraževanjeBHC
BHC est une société spécialisée dans l'implémentation de logiciels de gestion depuis plus de 20 ans. BHC est l'un des pionniers des partenaires Odoo, depuis 2007. Notre équipe pluridisciplinaire permet de gérer différents types de projets, des plus petits aux plus gros, avec ou sans développement spécifique et dans multiples domaines d'activités.Nous avons également différentes certifications: Chèque-Entreprise, Chèque-Formations, Cybersécurité, etc...
British University Vietnam (BUV) is the first and only international university in Vietnam granted to deliver degrees by two prestigious universities in the United Kingdom: University of London and Staffordshire University.In 2022, BUV decided to collaborate with Onnet Consulting to deploy Odoo ERP with the following modules: Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Invoicing, Accounting, and Studio to fulfill the goal of increasing the quality of management and operation. Izobraževanje
Baatighar is a premier book store in Bangladesh with three large scale physical stores and a collection of more than 90,000 unique books, written by 8,000+ writers represented by 2,000 publishers. Baatighar, a Bengali work meaning "lighthouse", has enlightened readers since 2005 with their collection of books. Baatighar has chosen to use Odoo as their management software on their journey to digitalizing the business. They are using eCommerce, POS, as well as inventory and accounting. Further, the different arms of the business will be managed through Odoo multi-company feature. IzobraževanjeBatterjee Medical College
BMC was founded to contribute significantly to society through unsurpassed medical education, community service, and research while maintaining Islamic values. BMC has nine programs in medical and health sciences and accommodates up to 7,000 students. It's accredited by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission and recruits highly qualified faculty members. BMC provides excellent training opportunities for students at the Ministry of Health hospitals and the Saudi German Hospital Group IzobraževanjeBednet VZW
Bednet is een vzw belast met de opdracht synchroon internetonderwijs te organiseren voor (langdurig en chronisch) zieke kinderen. Bednet realiseert een virtuele klasomgeving via internet, zodat zieke kinderen van thuis uit de lessen op school kunnen meevolgen en contact houden met hun leerkracht en medeklasgenootjes.Bednet zorgt gratis voor de volledige dienstverlening met een consulent die de klas en het kind begeleidt en ook voor technische ondersteuning van materiaal en helpdesk. Ieder kind volgt de lessen volgens wat hij/zij aankan. Izobraževanje
CIIT College of Arts and Technology Inc.
They are a specialized technical school that focuses on arts, technology and business. They offer senior high school, college programs and short courses. They wanted to use Odoo Accounting for their general accounting needs as well as take advantage of its tight integration with the leading education software Edusuite.Izobraževanje
CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry Trust
CMH Medical College & Institute of DentistryCMH Lahore Medical College was established in year 2006. CMH is on a mission to provide excellent learning and teaching environment to undergraduate and postgraduate medical & dental students & enhance level of comprehensive healthcare in the Army/ Country.
CMH Medical College and Institute of Dentistry successfully undertook the strategic initiative of implementing an ERP solution. The goal was to enhance operational efficiency across CMH, and the project was executed with utmost dedication.
XnRel team successfully Implemented ERP solution contributing substantially to the advancement of operational processes within CMH Medical College and Institute of Dentistry.
CyRIC is a fast growing company with a strategic aim to become an important regional Center developing disruptive products for the world markets and providing unique, high quality services to the industry.CYRIC offers Research and Innovation Services for its customers in the fields of engineering design and prototyping, electronics and communications and software solutions. In addition a number of specialised consultancy and entrepreneurship services are offered to startups and SMEs.
Cyric has utilized Odoo for accounting, sales and purchases as well as inventory management.
CyRIC is a fast growing company with a strategic aim to become an important regional Center developing disruptive products for the world markets and providing unique, high quality services to the industry.CYRIC offers Research and Innovation Services for its customers in the fields of engineering design and prototyping, electronics and communications and software solutions. In addition a number of specialised consultancy and entrepreneurship services are offered to startups and SMEs.
Cyric has utilized Odoo for accounting, sales and purchases as well as inventory management.