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Odoo Expert Tips and Tricks: Navigating Success in Service Operations
Lokacja: Auditorium 2000 C - 08.11.2023, 11:30 - 08.11.2023, 12:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
Odoo Expert Tips and Tricks: Navigating Success in Service Operations
Bianca Amato
Business Analyst w Odoo
Bianca Amato
Business Analyst w Odoo

Bianca has been working as a Business Analyst at Odoo since 2021. Initially, she was a member of the Quickstart team, where she was responsible for the implementation of Odoo projects for numerous clients spanning various industries. In 2023, she joined the the Services Expertise Team given her strong interest in project management and related topics. 

Come and join us for this exciting talk! You'll pick up some super handy tips and tricks to make your projects run smoother with Odoo.