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Full Throttle Ahead Into Your Project Implementation
Luogo: Auditorium 500 - 09/11/23, 11:00 - 09/11/23, 11:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minuti)
Full Throttle Ahead Into Your Project Implementation
Nicola Peiffer (epn)
Business Analyst a Odoo
Nicola Peiffer (epn)
Business Analyst a Odoo

Nicola started working for Odoo in 2019. He is a team leader of a group of business analysts and a passionate rally driver. Over the years, he helped evolve the implementation methodology and also is a fond believer in the importance of a right kick-off call.

What do the Odoo implementation and motorsport events have in coming? They require both the right people, mindset, and planning to be a success! Join Nicola in this session to learn more about the project initiation through this comparison. (We promise you will understand the between afterward).