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What's New in Knowledge?
Lieu : Auditorium 2000 C - 09/11/2023 12:00 - 09/11/2023 12:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
What's New in Knowledge?
Luc Nailis
Product Owner à Odoo
Luc Nailis
Product Owner à Odoo

"After 2 years as a consultant, Luc joined R&D, assuming the role of CRM & Marketing Product Owner.

He's since then been part of the effort of making Odoo as complete yet as intuitive as possible. Recently, his primary focus was centered around the Appointment & Knowledge apps. 

In his daily routine, Luc loves to discuss big ideas, draw red arrows on screenshots, and be very picky about design.

Luckily, he got the chance to work with developers who accept his Product Owner OCD tendencies.

Disclaimer: Luc loves to speak about his apps and UX and may be hard to stop once he get started. "

"Ready to bring your Knowledge articles to the next level? 

Join Luc in this exciting talk and discover what Odoo R&D has been cooking for you this year 👨🏼‍🍳

From commands, to ways to share your content, to data visualization, we promise you won't be disappointed!"