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Security and Data Protection: Sophisticated Access Control
Functional Partner Community Odoo Enterprise
Location: Hall 7.E - 11/8/23, 4:00 PM - 11/8/23, 4:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Security and Data Protection: Sophisticated Access Control
Manuel Sauer
Manuel Sauer

Manuel is the founder and CEO of SAMSA-IT GmbH - Odoo Gold Partner based in Germany. He founded SAMSA in 2013 as a SAP consulting company. 2016 he came across an Open-Source CRM+ERP+Webportal with a modular and extensible IT-Architecture named Odoo. Ever since, Manuel and his team deliver Odoo as a "speed boat" and integrate it into existing IT-landscapes.

European companies must comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Odoo uses login, two factor authentication, and access groups to restrict access to the system, apps, and features. Organizations might need more sophisticated authorization functionality. In the talk we present apps for Odoo that allow to create functional roles that are easily designed without modifying and without copying Odoo standard groups. This drastically simplifies user role maintenance. You will love this, when doing an upgrade. In the talk we discuss the following topics:
- What does the GDPR say about access rights?
- How do I ensure secure passwords with Odoo?
- Can I login with single sign on (SSO)?
- How do I create functional user roles?
- How do I restrict access to apps and menus?
- How do I strip down access rights to the necessary minimum?
- How do I make changes to Odoo standard access rights without modifying them (bad for upgrades) and without copying them (big maintenance effort)?
Value to the audience:
- Learn how to make Odoo more secure.
- Learn about a more sophisticated concept to create and maintain access rights in Odoo.
Target groups:
Companies with different departments