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Odoo LIMS for producing chemicals
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 8 - 9/30/20, 6:00 PM - 9/30/20, 6:30 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Odoo LIMS for producing chemicals
Vincent Laurent
Co-CEO and ERP Functional Analyst at Logicasoft
Vincent Laurent
Co-CEO and ERP Functional Analyst at Logicasoft

Vincent Laurent is Co-CEO LogicaSoft, Certified Green Belt LSS (Deloitte) and a trained Black Belt.

Odoo LIMS by LogicaSoft is a set of fully integrated applications dedicated to laboratories. These apps bring an extra layer to the standard Odoo apps, with which they work perfectly together. We successfully implemented it in labs of several countries (Belgium, France, Saudi Arabia, Mauritius Island, Hong Kong, China, etc.) and various sectors: utilities, pharmaceutical products, product certification, textiles, toys, etc. The LIMS is GLP ready, the most stringent requirement in the software industry. It is also compliant with accreditation norms like ISO/IEC 17025* or ISO 15189.

In this talk, we will emphasize on the use of Odoo LIMS in conjunction with the manufacturing module. The demo will show how we handle the production of chemical products, the issuing of a Certificate of Compliance and ensuring the quality and traceability of raw materials. This talk is dedicated to any professional within the chemical industry, user, business responsible or solution integrator.

* ISO/ICE 17025: 2015 is a norm applicable worldwide that requires LIMS systems deployed in laboratories to be validated according to stringent rules and must also offer advanced functionalities of data integrity protection, protection against falsification and an advanced audit trail.


The QC process for LIMS is called:
What is completely integrated with Odoo for a LIMS analysis?
You can also QC the quality of the following: