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Dynamic Personalization for Dramatic Results
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 7 - 9/30/20, 5:30 PM - 9/30/20, 6:00 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Dynamic Personalization for Dramatic Results
John Buie
President at Journey Better Business Group Inc.
John Buie
President at Journey Better Business Group Inc.

John Buie is a Consultant, Writer and Speaker.

- Founder & CEO of a Marketing, Design and Web Development firm with offices in 5 countries and hundreds of clients globally.

- Published Author with cover stories featured in dozens of business publications.

- Public Speaker at many business conferences, trade associations and technical seminars including Odoo Experience 2019 in Belgium.


Learn how to leverage the very essence of what makes Odoo the ultimate digital marketing platform; data. By enabling dynamic personalization of your website, marketing efforts in Odoo will lead to dramatic results for your business. 

- Reach new prospects within your existing pool of clients with an Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy utilizing your Odoo Website and CRM modules.

- Never send the same email "blast" again to thousands of users. Instead, send a unique message to thousands of users at scale using the Odoo Marketing Automation module and your purchase history.

- Integrate your Odoo Email campaigns with Ads on Google and Facebook to create a true omni-channel marketing message that is personalized to your customers’ interests.

- Customize merchandise on your website banners and chat based on prospects’ past interests and customers’ purchase behavior.

This talk is a "next-step" to the presentation by John Buie at Odoo Experience 2019 on B2B Email Marketing, which received tremendous feedback and interest that no marketer will want to miss out on.