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Building a powerful Geodata Management System with Odoo
Developer Demo
Location: Studio 6 - 10/1/20, 3:30 PM - 10/1/20, 4:00 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Building a powerful Geodata Management System with Odoo
Denis Leemann
Application Manager at Camptocamp SA
Denis Leemann
Application Manager at Camptocamp SA

Denis Leemann works as an Application Manager at Camptocamp. He has been writing code, supporting clients with Odoo as well as contributing to the OCA since 2015.

He began his journey by contributing to a French HR Management System and integrating Odoo with our OpenSource Geographical Information System (GIS) to manage localized information for field agents. He enjoys solving complicated problems with elegant technical solutions and a client centered and pragmatic approach.

Odoo is usually used as an ERP and known for its ability to handle numerous aspects of business digitalization. It is also a powerful and flexible open source web application framework.

Since 2011, Camptocamp has been developing a powerful geographical information management system based on Odoo.

Historically maps are stored in an immutable format - be it paper or GPX files. It is well suited for consultation, but less helpful in managing dynamic content. With WebDB for Schweizmobil - https://www.schweizmobil.ch - we provide a solution that allows dynamic content management of geographical data layers.

From importing the base map data, to adding information layers like places and paths to adding workflow for validation and publishing, we’ve built a complete CMS for GIS. Our Odoo now enables multiple partners to collaborate and publish geographically informed data on beautiful maps displayed on a website.

During this talk, Denis Leemann will present the key aspects of working with maps and geographical data in Odoo. He will elaborate on the technical as well as the business challenges and opportunities of geographically-enabled Odoo.