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A Geometric approach to multi-currency reconciliation
Demo Functional
Location: Studio 6 - 9/30/20, 9:30 PM - 9/30/20, 10:00 PM (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
A Geometric approach to multi-currency reconciliation
Humberto Arocha
Development Manager at Vauxoo S.A. de C.V.
Humberto Arocha
Development Manager at Vauxoo S.A. de C.V.

Humberto José Arocha is mechanical engineer by profession but an expert in accounting, finances, and taxes applied to Odoo by choice.

This presentation will cover a new proposal for multi-currency reconciliation to try to achieve symmetry by applying a geometric representation of the journal items. Thus fulfilling IAS21 and getting proper reports for aging payables and receivables and match devalues for invoices and financial statements.


When are Foreign Exchange Journal Entries are created in the Geometrical Approach?
Which approach (Analytical or Geometrical) allows you to compare the same values for Aged Reports / Balance Sheet vs Invoice Reports?
What is the purpose of the Full Reconciliation in the Geometrical Approach?