如何使用 Authorize.Net 付款

Authorize.Net是北美地区最受欢迎的电子商务支付平台之一。与大多数其他与Odoo兼容的支付收单机构不同,Authorize.Net只能用作`支付网关 <https://www.authorize.net/solutions/merchantsolutions/pricing/?p=gwo>`__。这样你可使用自己喜欢的`支付处理机构和商户 <https://www.authorize.net/partners/resellerprogram/processorlist/>`__。


  • 点击“开始”,创建`Authorize.Net账户 <https://www.authorize.net>`__。

  • 如果想要将Authorize.net用作支付网关和商户,请在定价页面点击*立即注册*。如想使用自己的商户,请点击相关选项。

  • 完成注册步骤。

  • 账户默认设置为测试账户。你可通过这个测试账户从Odoo处理测试交易。

  • 准备好之后,切换到**生产**模式。


  • 网站、销售或会计 ‣ 设置 ‣ 付款收单机构,在Odoo中激活Authorize.Net。

  • Enter both your Login ID and your API Transaction Key.


    To get those credentials in Authorize.Net, you can rely on API Login ID and Transaction Key video of Authorize.Net Video Tutorials. Such videos give meaningful insights about how to set up your Authorize.Net account according to your needs.


Your configuration is now ready! You can make Authorize.Net visible on your merchant interface and activate the Production mode.



Credentials provided by Authorize.net are different for both test and production mode. Don’t forget to update them in Odoo when you turn on the production mode.


你可创建`开发者账户 <https://developer.authorize.net>`__,免费测试并评估Authorize.Net。


你也可登录`Authorize.Net沙箱平台 <https://sandbox.authorize.net/>`__,配置你的沙箱账户。

To perform fictitious transactions you can use fake card numbers provided in the Authorize.Net Testing Guide.