
Ogone, also known as Ingenico Payment Services is a France-based company that provides the technology involved in secure electronic transactions.


The provider Ogone is deprecated. It is recommended to use Stripe instead.

Settings in Ogone

Create an API user

Log into your Ogone account and head to the Configuration tab.

You need to create an API user to be used in the creation of transactions from Odoo. While you can use your main account to do so, using an API user ensures that if the credentials used in Odoo are leaked, no access to your Ogone configuration is possible. Additionally, passwords for API users do not need to be updated regularly, unlike normal users.

To create an API user, go to Configuration ‣ Users and click on New User. The following fields must be configured:

  • UserID: you can choose anything you want.

  • User’s Name, E-mail and Timezone: you can enter the information you want.

  • Profile: should be set to Admin.

  • Special user for API: should be checked.

After the creation of the user, you are required to generate a password. Save the password and UserID, as they will be required later on during the setup.


If you already have an user set up, make sure it is activated without any error. If not, simply click the Activate(Errors) button to reset the user.

Set up Ogone for Odoo

Ogone must now be configured to accept payments from Odoo. Head to Configuration ‣ Technical Information ‣ Global Security Parameters, select SHA-512 as Hash Algorithm and UTF-8 as character encoding. Then, go to the Data and Origin verification tab of the same page and leave the URL field of the e-Commerce and Alias Gateway section blank.


If you need to use another algorithm, such as sha-1 or sha-256, within Odoo, activate the developer mode and go to the Payment Providers page in Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Payment Providers. Click on Ogone, and in the Credentials tab, select the algorithm you wish to use in the Hash function field.

You are now required to generate SHA-IN passphrases. SHA-IN and SHA-OUT passphrases are used to digitally sign the transaction requests and responses between Odoo and Ogone. By using these secret passphrases and the sha-1 algorithm, both systems can ensure that the information they receive from the other was not altered or tampered with.

Enter the same SHA-IN passphrase in both Checks for e-Commerce & Alias Gateway and Checks for DirectLink and Batch (Automatic). You can leave the IP address field blank.

Your SHA-IN and SHA-OUT passphrases should be different, and between 16 and 32 characters long. Make sure to use the same SHA-IN and SHA-OUT passphrases throughout the entire Ogone configuration, as Odoo only allows a single SHA-IN and single SHA-OUT passphrase.

In order to retrieve the SHA-OUT key, log into your Ogone account, go to Configuration ‣ Technical Information ‣ Transaction feedback ‣ All transaction submission modes, and get or generate your API Key and Client Key. Be careful to copy your API key as you’ll not be allowed to get it later without generating a new one.

When done, head to Configuration ‣ Technical Information ‣ Transaction Feedback and check the following options:

  • The URL fields for HTTP redirection in the browser can be left empty, as Odoo will specify these URLs for every transaction request.

  • I would like to receive transaction feedback parameters on the redirection URLs: should be checked.

  • Direct HTTP server-to-server request: should to be set to Online but switch to a deferred request when the online request fails.

  • Both URL fields should contain the same following URL, with <example> replaced by your database: https://<example>/payment/ogone/return.

  • Dynamic eCommerce Parameters should contain the following values: ALIAS, AMOUNT, CARDNO, CN, CURRENCY, IP, NCERROR ORDERID, PAYID, PM, STATUS, TRXDATE. Other parameters can be included (if you have another integration with Ogone that requires them), but are not advised.

  • In the All transaction submission modes section, fill out SHA-OUT passphrase and disable HTTP request for status change.

To allow your customers to save their credit card credentials for future use, head to Configuration ‣ Alias ‣ My alias information. From this tab, you can configure how the user can have its card details saved, for how long the information is saved, if a checkbox to save the card information should be displayed, etc.

Settings in Odoo

To set up Ogone in Odoo, head to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Payment Providers and open the Ogone provider. In the Credentials tab, enter the PSPID of your Ogone account, and fill out the other fields as configured in your Ogone portal.