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Using Interactive Business Scenarios to train Odoo Users
Ort: Studio 7 - 01.10.20, 17:30 - 01.10.20, 18:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 Minuten)
Luc Maurer & Ulysse Rosselet
Luc Maurer & Ulysse Rosselet

Luc Maurer is the Founder and Managing Partner of Camptocamp SA, first Odoo Gold Partner. Camptocamp Group currently employs over 90 employees in Switzerland, France and Germany. He's been working with Odoo since 2006 and has extensive experience in ERP implementation. Luc is one of the founders of the Odoo Community Association (OCA).

Ulysse Rosselet is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO). He co-authored the Aroolla games in order to teach ERP and integrated business processes classes at Bachelor, Master and Executive levels.

Let’s face it, ERPs are everywhere and using them effectively is crucial for successful operations. Given the fast evolution of business processes and software tools, user training is constantly needed. Traditionally, it relies mostly on repetitive learning and is generally centered on software features and user interface rather than business tasks and processes. This approach is rather dull and disconnected from the dynamic aspects of business.

Playfulness being a brain’s best friend, the Aroolla line of serious games permits an entertaining learning of business processes and their related ERP tasks. Users fulfill challenging business goals by carrying out real tasks using real enterprise software. Each one has a role in a realistic business process whose progress is automated by a simulator.

In this game everydays business tasks are generated by the simulator using the Odoo bot. Users find a way to perform the task and the simulator check if the expected outcome is reached. If it’s not the case, the bot guides the user in carrying out the task. Tasks can be randomly assigned to users and can be restricted to specific modules.

During this presentation attendees will discover the benefits of serious gaming for ERP learning and how this game can be used to (re)train users on Odoo. Target audience: Everybody using Odoo!