Opening Keynote - Unveiling Odoo 14
Fabien PinckaersErledigt
Keynote - Vision & Strategy
Fabien PinckaersErledigt
Home Delivery All in One with Odoo
Shabbir MerchantErledigt
Odoo LIMS for producing chemicals
Vincent LaurentErledigt
Dynamic Personalization for Dramatic Results
John BuieErledigt
Manage different procurement sources easily with odoo and oopp
Lucio ValenteErledigt
Timecontrol with Progressive Web App, RaspBerry Pi and RFID
Martin SchmidErledigt
Cross border Payment solution POS
Roger KokosErledigt
OdooPLM: tools & hacks to speed up your Engineering Department
Matteo BoscoloErledigt
SYNCHRONIZATION: The Supply Chain response to overcome the Crisis
Julio FiallosErledigt
Joël is the Department Manager for Business Solution at Camptocamp. He’s been an early Odoo adopter. Since 2006 he has been among the top contributors. Joël began working as an analyst and solution architect on more than 60 projects delivered in various countries (CH, FR, UK, US) he has a deep knowledge of logistics and was involved alongside the Odoo team in the new WMS refactoring of Odoo v8.0. Living in Switzerland, Joël is also a founding member of the Odoo Community Association (OCA) and 2014-2020 president. Linked in profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joelgrandguillaume Twitter: https://twitter.com/jgrandguillaume