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Centione Arabia - عرين الحلول لتقنية نظم المعلومات
Riyadh, Al Malaz, New Aqaria Towers , Office 7103 A, Saudi Arabia
12812 Riyadh
+966 57 742 3793

Centione Arabia - عرين الحلول لتقنية نظم المعلومات

Centione is a leading odoo Solution provider in Middle east, Serving Kuwait, Saudi Arabia & Egypt. The Company had been nominated as Odoo best Mena Partner 2022. The company offers ERP and CRM Implementation and Consultations as well as E-Commerce Solutions, Business
intelligence, Enterprise Application integration, application development outsourcing, Resource augmentation and staffing services to spherical companies .

The Company serves Governments, Financial Services firms, Educational institutions in Middle East. Centione has partnered with major technology. We leverage these partnerships, our spherical delivery model capability, and model-driven development tools to extend our customers IT organization; augmenting it with agile, high quality, productive capabilities, technology competences, and vertical industry know-how.

At Centione, We care about the quality of your business services, we help you grow and win by sharing with you the business challenges of today's competitive information technology world. In our main goal is to provide your company with Optimized IT solutions that meets with your business needs. We are passionate about designing, developing and providing the best software .This passion unites us as a team each and every day and drives us to excellence.

Our Offices: 

Mohammed bin Abdul-Aziz Street، Level 29, Olaya Towers, Tower B Intersection of Olaya Street &, Riyadh Saudi Arabia

Kuwait, Sharq, Block742 Khalid Ibn AlWaleed St , 2nd Floor

Egypt :- Cairo, NasrCity, 22 Fareek Awal Ali Amer St.

Company Profile:

English Company Profile: 

Sample Customer References  

Media & Videos 




Adwaa Lana
Adwaa Lana was set up initially as an in market pharmaceutical wholesaler in Saudi Arabia, and we gained huge expertise in distribution and coverage, then we took strategic decision to transform into agency & distribution model after gaining solid expertise in distribution, commercialization and marketing of different healthcare brands.
Al Daffa
شركة الدفه هي شركة سعودية عالمية لبيع المستلزمات الرجالية منذ عام 1983م و مقرها الرياض نركز على الإبداع وهو جوهرعملية التصنيع و قدرة شركة الدفه المميزة على إختيار أفضل المواد الخام جودة بالعالم حصريا حيث نستثمر بأفضل تكنولوجيا التصنيع و خطوط الإنتاج لضمان رضاء عملائنا مما جعل الشركة رائده في مجالها لأجيال و أجيال على مدار السنوات ، وسعت شركة الدفه شبكة التوزيع الخاصة بها لتشمل عملاء التجزئة و الجملة و التصدير الى الوطن العربي و أوروبا و أمريكا
Al Muhaidib First Mission
Al Muhaidib First Mission
MM1® represents a profound new concept from Al Muhaidib Group, which operates one of the largest, most-innovative new groups in the Saudi market. MM1® is a leading provider of Home Appliances, electronics, Electric, Cookware, Luggage, Premium Flasks etc. our brands are Koolen,Lambart,Shaha and John Pablo .
Areen Tech
تعد شركة عرين الشريك الذهبي ل أودو من الشركات الرائدة في مجال تطوير نظم المعلومات المالية والإدارية
النظم والتطبيقات البرمجية وخدمات الربط مع منظومتي الفاتورة الإلكترونية والإيصال الإلكتروني وتطبيقات إدارة الموارد البشر
للعاملين بالقطاع الخاص والعام وموظفي الدولة وتطبيقات إدارة المؤسسات الصحية والمستشفيات
والمؤسسات التعليمية وتطبيقات إدارة مطوري العقارات والمقاولات وإنشاء وتصميم مواقع الإنترنت
فروعها بالمملكة العربية السعودية الرياض وجمهورية مصر العربية ودولة الكويت
Baqader Trading Company known as (BAMCO) is a Saudi company. Founded in 1415 AH - 1995 AD as the owner, agent, and exclusive distributor of several international and local brands in household appliances, electrical appliances, personal care and cosmetics. Originated, to meet the needs of the consumer and make their life easier, and their moments more beautiful. With its distinguished, modern products with exceptional designs, and after-sales services, including maintenance and warranty.
Blue Arrow
السهم الأزرق مؤسسة سعودية متخصصة في تنظيم وتنفيذ وإدارة المعارض والفعاليات، حيث نقدم لعملائنا أفكاراً مبتكرة في التصميم والتنفيذ وإدارة المشاريع، بفريق عمل مكون من شباب سعوديين موهوبين يتمتعون بخبرة وكفاءة تزيد عن 5 سنوات.
Carry Logistics FZCO
Carry Logistics FZCO is a logistics company based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), specifically in the Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) in Dubai. It offers a range of supply chain and logistics solutions, primarily focusing on international freight forwarding, transportation, and distribution services. These services are critical for businesses that need to move goods efficiently across borders and within various regional markets.
Diversified Lines for Petroleum Services
Diversified Lines for Petroleum Services (DLPS) in Khobar, Saudi Arabia is a company that provides various services tailored to the oil, gas, and energy sectors. Based in Khobar, which is part of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and a hub for the Kingdom's oil industry, DLPS offers a range of specialized services and solutions for the energy sector. These services are designed to support oil and gas operations, improve efficiency, and ensure safety and regulatory compliance.
EgyLava Egypt
Egylava leadership team consists of a group of experienced pharmaceutical consulting professionals who specialize in Business & partnership Development, Alliance management and Strategic Marketing for more than 15 years’.
Gulf Architects Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a leading company in the field of building and construction with a future-oriented vision and approach. The firm began in 2006, with a forward-looking vision and a long-term plan that aligned with our beloved country›s national transformation process and the 2030 goal. The Gulf Architects Company was a forerunner in contracting, the first and most important stage in big project contracting. And it does it by adhering to the toughest standards and requirements, as well as using highly skilled and technically educated cadres and personnel to give exceptional service to its consumers.
Lamina KSA
Lamina Company Ltd. is one of the first and leading companies in the packaging materials industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Established in 2002 covering many sectors such as soft facial tissues, maxi roll aluminum foil , aluminum food plates, food packaging plastic, cups and paper boxes in different sizes, paper bags for food and shopping , aluminum home cooking utensils.
Naham Trading EST
Al Naham International Company for Computer and Communications is a Saudi company established in 1990 to provide a wide range of products from the largest world agencies. Our products include computers, attendance systems, point-of-sale solutions; in addition to installation of data transmission networks Through its branches in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Khobar.Al-Naham Company adopts a comprehensive approach to implement different tasks assigned to it, which relies on identifying the needs of its customers, supplying and implementing the requirements of these needs.
Om Ali Restaurant
Laid-back canteen with a colorful dining room, serving Egyptian classics & international dishes, With several branches around the Saudi Kingdom
Qasr ElNile
مطعم مصري طواجن مشاوي محمر محاشي فطائر شرقية
على مدى خمسة وعشرين عاما هي عمرنا في السوق السعودي, حققنا نجاحات عديدة من أبرزها وصول عدد الأصناف التي نوفرها إلى أكثر من 1200 صنف لنلبي احتياجات ورغبات عملائنا.
نفخر بأن نكون الوجهة الأولى في السعودية في مجال تجارة الأواني والأجهزة المنزلية وأجهزة العناية بالشعر والبشرة.
Saudi EX
SaudiEx is an IoT system integrator with +11 Years of experience in KSA market, Licensed from CST for providing IoT services and end-to-end smart city solutions focusing on smart mobility, industry 4.0, IoT networks and smart healthcare applications through a specialized teamwork and professional national expertise
System Shiled Company
SSC established in 2014 with High Tech engineer in the Field of Smart Building and Telecommunications.
System Shield is A GCC company and has branches in Saudi, Egypt and Now in Oman. We adopt The Idea of Smart City and Smart Building.
We are Specialized for Low current System , IT and Telecommunications.
Total Facility Management Company
TFM (Total Facility Management) company in Saudi-owned leading facilities services company in Saudi Arabia, was founded in 2020 with clear vision at being a leading provider of total facility management services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our mission is to offer our customer a world class service by combing the leading expertise of individuals from a variety of disciplines. Our beliefs is that by investing in people, we are able to sustain our competitive advantage and achieve long term growth for our business.
شركة المهنا للعقارات
شركة المهنا للاستثمار والتطوير العقاري، تأسست الشركة بهدف تطوير وإدارة العقارات وتحقيق أفضل قيمة لعملائنا وشركائنا، ملتزمون بتحقيق تطلعات عملائنا وتحسين جودة حياتهم من خلال المساعدة في توفير حلول مبتكرة وشاملة بقطاع الاستثمارات العقارية والتجارة العامة
مؤسسة الدرب الساطع للتجارة
الدرب الساطع هي مؤسسة رائدة في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات , أنشئت لتوفير انظمة من الحلول وإستناداً الي المنهجيات الرائدة في مجال الصناعة والتجارة ,,الدرب الساطع تأسست عام 2005 بالمملكة العربية السعودية – الرياض

تقدم المؤسسة تكنولوجيا المعلومات المتكاملة بما في ذلك التشغيل والصيانة وتخطيط التنمية والتنفيذ والانتاج والمبيعات والخدمات الثابته في نظم تكنولوجيا المعلوماتي التي تخدم نظام الاعمال والمساكن والمستفيات مع انظمة التحكم الذكية , انظمة مواقف السيارات وانظمة الامن المتكاملة والاتصالات
مؤسسة ركن زهور الياسمين للتجارة
ركن زهور الياسمين مؤسسة متخصصة في مجال تجارة الزهور تأسست بأيادي سعودية 100 % لتلبية احتياجات السوق السعودي في مجال الزهور والديكور، حيث تقدم أزهارًا عالية الجودة ومرموقة ستضيف لمسة شخصية إلى أي مناسبة لتكونوا دائمًا في قلب المناسبة بأجمل التصاميم التي تضفي لمسة فريدة على كل لحظة. مع مجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من الزهور الفريدة، تم إنشاؤها بواسطة فريق من مصممي الأزهار الموهوبين وذوي الخبرة، يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى خدمة احترافية ومستقلة، فنحن نقدم اهتمامًا شخصيًا بالتفاصيل في كل ترتيب نعمل عليه لرسم الابتسامة وتحقيق السعادة ولدينا متجر متخصص في بيع الورد الطبيعي والصناعي وملحقاته والحدائق الصناعية ومستلزماتها بالجملة والتجزئة
مؤسسة مثلجات الحليب لتقديم الوجبات
At Durma Ice-cream, we believe that ice cream is more than just a treat—it’s an experience. Our journey began with a simple idea: to create the finest, most flavourful ice cream using only the highest quality ingredients. Today, we proudly offer a wide range of unique and traditional Flavors that cater to every palate.