Host your Odoo server on the public Internet: do's and don'ts
Developer Developer Day
位置: Hall 7.A - 2023/11/8 下午4:00 - 2023/11/8 下午4:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 分鐘)
Host your Odoo server on the public Internet: do's and don'ts
Nicolas Martinelli
Software Developer Odoo
Nicolas Martinelli
Software Developer Odoo

Nicolas started his journey at Odoo in 2015. After six years of managing the BugFix team, he felt the need to stop chasing other people's mistakes to save his own sanity. He pursued his journey in the freshly created Infrastructure team to fill the requirements of an evergrowing SaaS platform, while being awarded the title of most handsome boy by his mother.

Developing your own Odoo module is a rewarding experience in itself. However, you can only unleash its full potential by deploying it outside of your developer workstation. Managing an Odoo server opened to the outside world has its own challenges. This talk covers the best practices for a production deployment: ensure a secure setup of your whole stack while optimizing the resource usage.