Odoo Experience 2018
Power Up Your HR & Employee Management with Odoo
位置: Aula Magna / Biéreau - 2018/10/4 下午5:00 - 2018/10/4 下午5:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 分鐘)
Power Up Your HR & Employee Management with Odoo
Jared Kipe
Lead Developer and President Hibou Corp.
Jared Kipe
Lead Developer and President Hibou Corp.

Jared Kipe is the lead developer at Hibou, a US-based Odoo Gold Partner. Hibou focuses on sustainable solutions, both out-of-the-box and through custom development, backed by enterprise-level support and user documentation. Hibou is also an avid contributor to the Odoo open-source community though their Hibou Odoo Suite: https://github.com/hibou-io/hibou-odoo-suite

All organizations require basic employee management, be it timesheets and payroll, or accrued leave and appraisals. The words ‘employee’ and ‘HR’ instantly conjure up imagery of disgruntled office workers and stacks of paper.

But who wants that? And, better yet, who wants “basic” employee management? Answer: No one. So in this talk, we’ll walk through how to power up these tasks and take HR in Odoo to the next level. This talk is for those in organizations large and small that are interested in bringing their employee management and HR operations into Odoo. Whether you’ve just hired your first employee or manage hundreds on a daily basis, there’s something for everyone.

We’ll start with a brief overview of the stock functionality available in the Employees, Leaves and Expenses applications in a live-demo format. We’ll then move into a review of custom, open-sourced modules that Hibou has developed to extend this functionality. These modules include the following features:

- Set up leave accrual by individual employee or through the use of employee tags.
- Create a leave allocation by employee tag, then use that tag to grant the newly created leave to as many employees as desired.
- Define a default project for each department, which provides the ability to filter and group projects by department for reporting and planning purposes.
- Link expenses to sales opportunities, which can then be used for reporting.
- Quickly view expenses related to a sales opportunity or a sales order with new Expenses smart buttons.

After a brief review of the extended functionality the modules provide, we’ll wrap up with a walkthrough of a few real-life scenarios.