Accounting: Advanced Odoo Documents
Accounting Accounting Day
位置: Second Floor - Hall 1 - 2024/8/22 下午2:00 - 2024/8/22 下午2:30 (US/Eastern) (30 分鐘)
Accounting: Advanced Odoo Documents
Alexander Minney (almi)
Functional Support Expert Odoo Inc.
Alexander Minney (almi)
Functional Support Expert Odoo Inc.


This talk will cover two common workflows within Accounting, utilizing Documents at its center to manage all company documents. I will demonstrate how Actions, Tags, and Workspace Shares can be utilized to optimize and automate workflows. The use of Email Aliases and the OCR System will be central to the talk as well.

These workflows are:

  1. Receiving a Vendor Bill and having all data entry covered automatically utilizing existing records in the database.
  2. Receiving a receipt from an employee which needs to be recorded in Expense.