Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien Pinckaers完成
Selling services with E-commerce
Meet Pandya (pame)完成
Smartclass - Advanced India Accounting
Ajaykumar Jobanputra完成
Optimize Your Pricing Strategy: Odoo Price List Management
Juee Jadvani (juja)完成
Subscription management with Odoo
Shikha Jain完成
Front-desk Management & Room Management
Prashant Malavaniya完成
Smartclass - Advanced India Accounting
Ajaykumar Jobanputra完成
Appointments at your customers fingertips
Akshay Fasale完成
What's new in sales?
Dipali Tank完成
Loyalty Programs & coupon: Unifying E-commerce, Sales & PoS with Odoo
Heena Gupta完成
Sales Commission Management
位置: Seminar Hall 1, Ground Floor, Mahatma Mandir
2024/8/23 下午2:00
2024/8/23 下午2:30
(30 分鐘)
Dipali Tank
Product owner
在 Odoo
Dipali Tank
Product owner
在 Odoo
Dipali has accumulated 7 years of experience at Odoo, beginning her journey in 2017 as a developer intern. After recognizing her potential to make a greater impact, she transitioned to the Product Owner department, where she quickly excelled. Over the years, she has collaborated with various departments and contributed her expertise to multiple Odoo modules.