Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Gazelle Trade's Odoo Success Story

Gazelle Trade

Company Name: Gazelle Trade
Country: Egypt
Industry: Oil and Gas
Main Apps: Purchase, Inventory, Accounting, Sales, Invoicing
Number of Odoo Users: 15
Odoo Customer Success Manager: Amr Sabry
Odoo Implementing Partner: IT SYS Corporation

Gazelle Trade, a leading provider of complete piping packages for oil and gas and construction applications in Egypt, faced numerous challenges in their day-to-day operations. Lacking integration between departments and suffering from human errors, they sought a solution that would streamline their processes and provide better visibility into their finances and inventory. This is where Odoo, the all-in-one business management software, came to their rescue.

Addressing Pain Points and Implementing Odoo

Before Odoo, Gazelle Trade struggled with invoicing issues, disjointed finance and inventory management, and limited insight into their overall business operations. With the implementation of Odoo's core modules, including Invoicing, Inventory, Sales, Accounting, and Purchase, they were able to tackle these pain points head-on. The system provided seamless integration between departments, reducing human errors by a staggering 95% and eliminating the need for manual work. Now, Gazelle Trade could track their operations and maintain accurate financial records, resulting in balanced sheets and enhanced operational efficiency.

Business Impact and ROI

The adoption of Odoo had a significant impact on Gazelle Trade's business. First and foremost, it saved them valuable time by streamlining document retrieval and eliminating the need for manual data entry. The integration between departments facilitated smoother collaboration, improving customer satisfaction and enabling faster response times. Notably, the cost savings were substantial, as Odoo proved to be a more cost-effective solution compared to their previous system, SAP. Gazelle Trade experienced a tangible return on investment, achieving improved productivity and operational excellence.

Size and Implementation

Gazelle Trade successfully implemented Odoo within a swift timeframe of three months. The implementation process was guided by their trusted partner, ITSYS, ensuring a seamless transition to the new system.


Gazelle Trade's journey with Odoo exemplifies the transformative power of integrated business management software. By overcoming their pain points and streamlining their operations, they experienced improved efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced visibility into their finances and inventory. As Gazelle Trade continues to thrive in the trading and manufacturing industry, Odoo remains a valuable asset, driving their growth and success.

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