Odoo Experience 2020
Save time with Payroll in Odoo
Demo Functional
位置。 Studio 3 - 2020/10/1 下午9:00 - 2020/10/1 下午9:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30分钟)
Save time with Payroll in Odoo
Jared Kipe
Lead Developer and President Hibou Corp.
Jared Kipe
Lead Developer and President Hibou Corp.

Jared Kipe is the lead developer at Hibou, a US-based Odoo Partner. Hibou focuses on sustainable solutions, both out-of-the-box and through custom development, backed by enterprise-level support and user documentation. Hibou is also an avid contributor to the Odoo open-source community though their Hibou Odoo Suite: https://gitlab.com/hibou-io/hibou-odoo/suite

How long does it take for you to run your payroll? In this talk, we will focus on how companies can use Odoo Payroll to make immediate gains by streamlining operations, reducing costs, and saving time! This will be a live demonstration, configuring and implementing scenarios as we go to provide the audience with real-world examples and strategies they can take with them and implement immediately.


How many states are included in Hibou's US Payroll?
Garnishment rules require per employee fields to be added using Studio: