Inventory: Costing and valuation
Adam Hacker已完成
POS-Manage your shop or restaurant
Coral Lopez Jimenez (colj)已完成
Replenishment & Advanced Routes
Anika Weeks已完成
Fleet & Inventory: Dispatch management system with 3rd-party logistics
Alexander Leigh (alei)已完成
Odoo: A Mid-Market and Enterprise Solution
Thomas Quinn (toqu)已完成
What's New in Inventory?
Joshua Graham (grjo)已完成
Organize your work in batches
Colleen Benack已完成
Enhance Your Website by Integrating Custom Data
Guillaume Dieleman (gdi)已完成
Inventory: routes going more flexible
Matthew Rwasenge已完成
Manage Pickings with Odoo Barcode
Ned McGrath (nemg)已完成
Management Reporting in Odoo
位置。 Terrace Ballroom
2024/8/23 11:30
2024/8/23 12:00
Jonathan Hogan (joho)
Account Executive - Direct Sales
在 Odoo Inc.
Jonathan Hogan (joho)
Account Executive - Direct Sales
在 Odoo Inc.
I am talking about Managerial Reporting. I will show it in 3 ways, detailed in my slideshow. My database is built and tested, and I’m confident this will be a good talk.