Michigan Wheel

Michigan Wheel

Providing the best performing propellers for pleasure, commercial, and military craft is our passion and our history.

Michigan Wheel is the world leader in supplying boat builders, engine manufacturers, and boat owners with high quality, performance propellers. Our propellers, both inboard and outboard/sterndrive are successfully being used on hundreds of thousands of boats throughout the world.

To provide the marine industry with ever increasing levels of performance, Michigan Wheel has developed some of the most advanced propeller engineering and manufacturing technologies in existence today. Whether your needs are for a standard series or fully custom propeller design, our continued advances in propeller design and manufacturing will offer benefits to the Michigan propeller you purchase.

We offer the broadest range of propeller designs in the industry, in multiple materials, and in size ranges from 3” to over 30 feet, ensuring the best propulsion solution possible for your particular boating needs.