CHEMDUSTRY is a sole proprietorship business which provides services in industrial chemistry and chemical engineering.Our services include training and consulting focusing mainly on upstream oil and gas operations. Our expertise covers wide range of flow assurance issues the following:
Solids formation and deposition
Scale, gas hydrate, wax, asphaltenes, soap scale, elemental sulfur, biofouling
Phase separation
Emulsion, soap emulsion, demulsification
System integrity
Corrosion and corrosion management
Oilfield Microbiology
Microorganisms management in oilfields
Water Treatment
Injection water treatment, produced water treatment
H2S management
Reservoir souring, H2S scavengers
Production chemicals
Selection, application, assessment, and management
Lab activities
Fluids analysis, solids analysis, standard methods, ISO, lab instruments 行政/公用事业
Consejo General del Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos
Ha decidido usar Odoo para gestionar este ambiente de negocio, unificando múltiples sistemas y procesos que al día de hoy son hechos por separado y sin integración. Odoo les proporciona una plataforma flexible unificada para gestionar la organización de punta a punta, incluyendo los procesos B2C apoyados en la web. 行政/公用事业D.S.M. CONSULTING NV
D.S.M. Consulting bvba is een accountants- en fiscaal kantoor, gelegen te Lier, Antwerpsestraat 148, erkend door het Instituut van Accountants en Belastingconsulenten.Het kantoor oriënteert zich op kwalitatief hoogstaande dienstverlening inzake boekhouding en fiscaliteit, maar het beschikt eveneens over de nodige know-how en ervaring in alle andere rechtstakken die het ondernemingsleven mee beheersen. 行政/公用事业
DI Africa (Mauritius) Co Ltd
DI-Africa is a pan-African company, specialized in human capital management and related services, which supports its clients in the realization of their projects.DI-Africa, in partnership with INNOVACTIVE, implemented the accounting and human resources module in accordance with Mozambican legislation, this implementation has brought the company a significant improvement in the management of human capital, recruitment, training and development of staff, to help the companies to achieve their goals and objectives in a short period of time. Additionally, INNOVACTIVE supported the customization of the implementations of DI-AFRICA Gabon, Congo and Mauritius in order to bring a greater scope of its functions. 行政/公用事业
DN-Sign sind Experten, wenn es um die Produktion und den Vertrieb von Kennzeichnungsprodukten geht. Dabei setzen wir auf eine Top-Qualität und eine schnelle sowie zuverlässige Lieferung und stehen Ihnen jederzeit beratend zur Seite. Auch bei speziellen Wünschen schneiden wir unseren Service und die Produkte speziell auf Sie zu. Entdecken Sie unser umfangreiches Sortiment an Sicherheitskennzeichnungen und Etiketten.行政/公用事业
DNP Concept SRL
DNP Concept est spécialisé non seulement en installation et rénovation de circuits électriques, mais aussi en pose de panneaux photovoltaïques et de systèmes de ventilation. Ils ont fait appel à Odoo pour gérer notamment leur flux de vente, leur stock et leur planning d'intervention.行政/公用事业
Dar Al Komati for Printing & Publishing
A printing press established in 1982, works on fulfilling the hopes of its customers by delivering their needs. Provides all types of printing at its best levels; from design, production, and execution of printing commitments (all types of Qur’ans - books - school books - brochures - notebooks - cartons, boxes, and bags - covers). 行政/公用事业EVENTI LIMPE
La Fondazione, nata nel 2014 a opera di LIMPE ha esclusivamente finalità di solidarietà sociale.Il principale obiettivo della Fondazione è il sostegno alla ricerca medico-scientifica, la formazione e la divulgazione di informazioni sulla malattia di Parkinson, i parkinsonismi, le distonie, le coree (inclusa quella di Huntington), i tremori, le atassie, i restanti disturbi del movimento e le demenze. 行政/公用事业
Easy Plug
EasyPLug est un leader en Wallonie de solutions de recharge pour véhicules électriques et hybrides. Spécialisée dans l’installation de bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques et plug-in hybrides.EasyPlug fournit des solutions pour les particuliers et les entreprises en Wallonie, Bruxelles et périphéries.
Modules utilisés : Ventes, Achats, Comptabilité, CRM