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Creva Industries

Creva Industries

Creva International connects responsible farms across the globe with high-quality pedigree products. Creva’s mission is to empower farmers to build a better everyday life for cows and themselves. By facilitating these connections, they enable farms to expand their operations, enter new markets, and build industry relationships.

Challenge: Streamlining Agricultural Operations

Creva International faced the following specific challenges: 

  • Supplier Management: Fostering relationships with diverse suppliers and ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality products.

  • Order Coordination: Streamlining order processing and delivery to ensure timely access to essential agricultural resources.

  • Communication: Facilitating effective communication and collaboration between suppliers and farmers.

Odoo Solution

Odoo streamlined Creva’s farm operations, optimized procurement processes, and enhanced inventory management. Odoo provided real-time visibility into the supply chain, enabling smooth coordination and timely delivery of products. Using Odoo, they enhance communication and collaboration among suppliers, farmers, and Creva’s team.

Numla's Implementation

Numla’s process was easy:

  • They analyzed Creva’s business requirements.

  • They expertly configured Odoo modules to fit Creva’s needs.

  • They continue to provide ongoing support, ensuring that the system works smoothly.

The Odoo modules Creva International is using include Sales, Purchase, Inventory, and CRM.