Helpdesk: a 5-Star After-Sales Service for Your Customers
Địa điểm: Martin's / Agora - 15:30, 03/10/2019 - 15:50, 03/10/2019 (Europe/Brussels) (20 phút)
Helpdesk: a 5-Star After-Sales Service for Your Customers
Elena Maglio, Business Support - Odoo
Elena Maglio, Business Support - Odoo

The goal of this talk is to showcase the new After Sales features from the Helpdesk app.   

Introduction to the key features of After-Sales: 

- refunds (issue credit notes from tickets) 

- repairs (generate repair orders for broken items from tickets) 

- coupons (grant promotional coupons from tickets) 

- returns (return products from tickets)  2) Small demo of the 4 use-cases

+ create a ticket from a lead