Studio for Beginners
Conor WhiteHoàn tất
Creating Custom Reports with Odoo Studio
Michael Licata (mili)Hoàn tất
Bernadette Goodwin (bego)Hoàn tất
User Training and Adoption Strategies for Odoo
Hannah Lippincott (hali)Hoàn tất
Lexington Medical & Odoo
Rowan SacksHoàn tất
Odoo.sh Countinuous Integration
Sean Murray (semu)Hoàn tất
Better than React: Why We Built Our Own UI Library
Samuel Degueldre (sad)Hoàn tất
Events Organization
Zachary Anderson (zaan)Hoàn tất
Why Kiosk Group Chose Odoo 17 Over NetSuite
Cecilie BarretoHoàn tất
There and Back Again - Navigating pandemics, scale-ups, downsizing, and more with Odoo
Brian JacksonHoàn tất
Performance Optimization
Địa điểm: Second Floor - Hall 2
12:30, 23/08/2024
13:00, 23/08/2024
(30 phút)
Lars Gartenberg (laga)
Full Stack Engineer
tại Odoo Inc.
Lars Gartenberg (laga)
Full Stack Engineer
tại Odoo Inc.