CodeScene AB book to startup.
CodeScene by Empear is a Swedish startup that develops the CodeScene code analysis tool. It all started in 2015 when Adam Tornhill published his ground-breaking book, Your Code As A Crime Scene. This book marked the beginning of a radically new approach to software analysis focused on the evolution of a codebase over time, which makes it possible to prioritize technical debt based on the likely business impact.
The book had a significant influence and since then Adam has presented his ideas in conferences around the world. In a short time, the concept of the "hotspot", borrowed from the field of forensic psychology, has become a standard term in the software industry.
Fully exploring these ideas, however, required code analysis tools that did not yet exist. So CodeScene, a new code analysis tool, was born; a powerful and predictive analytics tool that gives software stakeholders a new vision of their software projects with specific and actionable information that enables software organizations to increase their delivery efficiency.
CodeScene today is used by companies around the world, and independent studies have confirmed that CodeScene is the best tool for managing technical debt. CodeScene remains a fast-moving technology on the cutting edge of software analytics. IT/Truyền thông
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Linserv AB
odoo-gold-partner-badge.pngSince 2002 Linserv has been helping companies and organisations to implement Open Source technology and systems. We provide our customers with both Business applications and IT infrastructure service. In this way we effectively bridge "the gap" between good infrastructure and good business solutions.
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