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Odoo Strategy for Mid-Market & Corporate Companies
Розташування: Studio 1 - 30.09.20, 17:00 - 30.09.20, 17:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 хвилин)
Odoo Strategy for Mid-Market & Corporate Companies
Lucas Deliège
Sales Manager at Odoo
Lucas Deliège
Sales Manager at Odoo

Lucas joined Odoo 6 years ago in the Direct Sales Department, as a Business Advisor, for SMEs in various industries and countries. After 5 years of focus on SMEs, a switch to larger account projects was done and he is now managing the sales team for mid-market & corporate companies.

At the end of this business talk, you will be familiar with Odoo's strategies concerning the Mid-market & Corporate Companies.
We will be discussing our target, value proposition, methodology, pricing approach, and how we are unique in the market.


What is the conversion rate on GAP analysis?
What is the percentage of companies between 100 - 1000 people that have already implemented an ENR ?
What is the main reason for a company to implement an ERP?