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Our Background

Our engineering experience isn’t just limited to automotive. We have many years of industrial experience that we draw from. This experience is leveraged to go outside of the traditional prototyping and manufacturing processes to bring you the absolute best products with the best value to you our customers.

The diverse experience we have enables us to use design tools normally reserved for Formula 1 Teams and Fortune 500 companies. Our designs are data-driven based both on mechanical and flow analysis. No details are overlooked and no corners are cut. We know that the quality of our designs and our products could make difference to win on race day or just enjoy the perfect weather on a drive with good friends. No matter what you do with your car, we are there to help make it the very best.

Many of you know us because we are your peers, we are the guys lined up next to you at the drag stip, the guys you met on a road rally or just the guys you met one day because we stopped and asked you about your car. We are enthusiasts just like you.