PAC Tools Trusts Odoo to Get Emergency Vehicles Back on the Road Quickly.
Gordon CumminsBiten
Revolutionizing Operations with Odoo for Accurate Reporting and Centralized Inventory Management
Kevin ClorBiten
Enhance Your Website by Integrating Custom Data
Guillaume Dieleman (gdi)Biten
Replenishment & Advanced Routes
Anika WeeksBiten
Inventory: Costing and valuation
Adam HackerBiten
Odoo: A Mid-Market and Enterprise Solution
Thomas Quinn (toqu)Biten
Manage Pickings with Odoo Barcode
Ned McGrath (nemg)Biten
Tips and Tricks for Faster Upgrades
Yesha Sharma (yesh)Biten
AI-Powered Inventory Management with Odoo for Automation Excellence
Maharshi PancholiBiten
What's New in Inventory?
Joshua Graham (grjo)Biten
POS-Manage your shop or restaurant
Yer: Terrace Ballroom
23.08.2024 12:30
23.08.2024 13:00
(30 dakika)
Coral Lopez Jimenez (colj)
Business Systems Analyst
de Odoo Inc.
Coral Lopez Jimenez (colj)
Business Systems Analyst
de Odoo Inc.
In this presentation we will talk about the point of sale module in Odoo 18. We will discuss PoS features, usage, and configurations. Additionally, we will showcase a retail store real world application of the PoS app.