CONNECT Professional Services
CONNECT Professional Services (CPS) is a service-oriented corporate specialized in developing and delivering advanced Information Technology solutions and services. Our offerings catalogue spans wide range of products and technologies that assist customers to create and maintain competitive advantage.Kamu Yönetimi
Egyptian Clothing Bank
The Egyptian Clothing Bank is an NGO established in 2012 under ‘The Banks of Goodness’ alongside the renowned Egyptian Food Bank. OUR VISION: The Egyptian Clothing Bank is a model of giving; providing people with basic suitable clothing and cover needs. OUR MISSION: The Egyptian Clothing Bank aspires to actively participate in the development of underprivileged members of society to help in activating their full potential. OUR MODEL: At the Egyptian Clothing Bank, we distribute 100% of all our donations. We receive in-kind donations that we upcycle, recycle, and sort these donations for distributions. We also receive monetary donations that go into the upcycling and recycling process as well as manufacturing lines. Kamu YönetimiGlobal Academy
Global Academy for Training and Development – Egypt / Ethraa Future for Training - KSA is a dynamic organization based in Egypt and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with representation in France and United States of America. Global Academy adopts a strong unique strategic vision which is offering the Best Practice methodology and approach for Human and Organizational Development in consultancy, training, employee selection and recruitment of the best calibers in Egypt and the Middle East area. Our sustainable edge lies in a very strong and prestigious steering committee of high profile academics and practioners especially in the human resources, banking and financial fields.Kamu Yönetimi
Grace Team Advertising
Grace team is a limited liability company that established since 1993 at Ain Shams, Cairo with little resources. The company grew more than expected. In 2000, the company moved to new plant in El-Obour city where we was one of the leading print houses in Egypt that entered multicolored offset machines. In 2005, we were the first print house in Egypt that installed Xerox digital machine and in 2010 we was also the first print house that installed IGEN 4 digital machine.In 2010, we started the outdoor printing and we were the first print house in Egypt to install long life high resolution outdoor printing technology. On 2010, we was also the first print house in Egypt to offer printing on rigid surfaces like glass, wood, acrylic, … etc We moved to our current location in 2015, and kept the previous plant for flexo printing (labels & self-adhesives). In addition to another plant near to El-Obour city specialized for Rotogravure printing. Now we can offer fully integrated printing, packaging & advertising solutions that cover all customer needs and requirements. Kamu Yönetimi
Wahid Eldin Abdel Ghaffar & Co. Baker Tilly
Baker Tilly Wahid Abdel Ghaffar & Co. A leading accountancy and business advisory firm in Egypt, and a member firm in Baker Tilly International, offer a comprehensive range of services on high quality levels. Mr. Wahid Abdel Ghaffar together with a group of partners and expert staff adhere to professional leadership and client service complying with plans and professional ethics.Kamu Yönetimi
وزارة الدولة للهجرة وشئون المصريين بالخارج
الهجرة ظاهرة طبيعية وهى بمفهومها الحالى تعتبر وسيلة هامة لمواجهة المصاعب التى تعانى منها بعض الدول، ومع أن مصر حديثة العهد بالهجرة، إلا أن سياسة الحكومة المصرية تجاه الهجرة مرت بالعديد من المراحل، فقد عرفت مصر نظام الهجرة إبتداء من الخمسينيات بأعداد محدودة إلى أن تزايدت أعداد المهاجرين إعتبارا من أواخر الستينيات حيث بدأت مصر تصعيد الإهتمام بأبنائها المهاجرين فى الخارج.وزارة الهجرة وشئون المصريين بالخارج التى تم إنشاؤها فى التاسع عشر من سبتمبر عام 2015 تعد هى الجهة المختصة بإدارة ورعاية شئون المصريين المقيمين خارج الحدود الجغرافية للدولة المصرية فى إطار من التنسيق والتعاون مع الوزارات والهيئات والجهات التى تهتم بذات الشأن فى ظل رعاية مجلس الوزراء، وتعتبر الجهة الرئيسية للتواصل مع المصريين بالخارج ، فهى وزارة مستحدثة جاءت تلبية لنداءات المصريين بالخارج بهدف تكوين راى عام وطنى يساند القضايا الوطنية والقومية والإستفادة من خبرات المصريين فى الخارج فى شتى مجالات التنمية ولتدعيم الروابط القومية والسياسية والإجتماعية والإقتصادية بينهم وبين الوطن الام وبينهم وبين بعضهم البعض ولكى يضع سياسة شاملة لهجرة المصريين للخارج فى ضوء أهداف التنمية القومية وصالح البلاد.
Kamu Yönetimi