Walmart Order Fulfillment with Odoo
ที่ตั้ง: Aula Magna / Biéreau - 4/10/18 15:00 - 4/10/18 15:10 (Europe/Brussels) (10 นาที)
Walmart Order Fulfillment with Odoo
Jared Kipe
Lead Developer and President ที่ Hibou Corp.
Jared Kipe
Lead Developer and President ที่ Hibou Corp.

Jared Kipe is the lead developer at Hibou, a US-based Odoo Gold Partner. Hibou focuses on sustainable solutions, both out-of-the-box and through custom development, backed by enterprise-level support and user documentation. Hibou is also an avid contributor to the Odoo open-source community though their Hibou Odoo Suite: https://github.com/hibou-io/hibou-odoo-suite

Utilizing multiple sales channels can increase overall order volume and profits. However, profits quickly diminish as customer service and shipping personnel become overwhelmed with logging into numerous portals simply to accept orders and mark them as shipped. In this lightning talk, we’ll explore Hibou’s Walmart Connector. The connector allows an organization to acknowledge orders and send tracking information back to Walmart without any change in Odoo processes or accessing additional, external platforms. We will start by discussing the scope and goals of the connector, then walk through setup and every day usage.