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Athman Capital
Athman Capital
Athman Holding is a Saudi Arabian investment holding company, established in 2018 by the sons of Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi, may God rest his soul, as a continuation of a legacy spanning over 40 years. Sheikh Abdullah, may God have mercy on him, was one of the founders of Al Rajhi Bank, Tabuk Agricultural Company, and various other enterprises. He was a pioneer in the Kingdom’s industrial and real estate investments. The sons of Sheikh Abdullah Al Rajhi, may God rest his soul, have carried on the successful journey by establishing Athan Holding. They have grown investment assets through extensive capabilities and expertise, leveraging strategic partnerships and alliances, and excelling in seizing investment opportunities both locally and globally We have provided ATHMAN with the Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, ProjectManagement, Asset Management, andFleet Management modules, in addition to the core modules in the Odoo

شركة استثمارية سعودية قابضة، تأسست شركة أثمان القابضة عام 2018م، على يد أبناء الشيخ عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز الراجحي -رحمه الله- كامتداد لإرث يعود لأكثر من 40 عاماً، حيث كان الشيخ الوالد -رحمه الله- من مؤسسي مصرف الراجحي، وشركة تبوك الزراعية وخلافها من الشركات، وكان من رواد المملكة في الاستثمارات الصناعية والعقارية.

قام أبناء الشيخ عبدالله الراجحي -رحمه الله- باستكمال المسيرة الناجحة عبر تأسيس شركة أثمان القابضة، وتنمية الأصول الاستثمارية وفق ما تمتلكه من قدرات وخبرات واسعة؛ بالاستفادة من الشراكات والتحالفات الاستراتيجية والتعامل المتميز مع الفرص الاستثمارية محلياً وعالمياً. 

قدمنا كل من موديول الحسابات والمشتريات والمبيعات وادارة المشاريع والاصول والاسطول بالاضافة الى الموديولات الاساسية في نظام اودو
Sector de atividade: Financeiro
Localização: Lisboa (Portugal)
O Bison Bank, S.A. é um banco europeu integralmente detido por capital privado chinês de Hong Kong, focado em fornecer uma ampla e especializada gama de serviços de Wealth Management, Depositário & Custódia e Banca de Investimento a clientes particulares e institucionais, através de uma plataforma integrada que liga os e mercados asiáticos.
O Banco está sediado em Lisboa e alavanca o desenvolvimento dos seus negócios na ampla abrangência geográfica do acionista – forte presença comercial na Europa, Hong Kong e China Continental, bem como em África.
O Banco resultou da aquisição, em meados de 2018, do ex-Banif – Banco de Investimento, S.A., instituição financeira portuguesa constituída em 2000 com licença universal.

Business sector: Finance
Location: Lisbon (Portugal)
Bison Bank, S.A. is an European based bank fully held by private Chinese capital from Hong Kong, focused on providing a wide and specialized range of Wealth Management, Depositary & Custody and Investment Banking services to individuals and institutional Clients, through a seamless platform connecting European and Asian markets.
The Bank is headquartered in Lisbon and leverages the development of its business activities on the shareholder’s wide geographic reach – strong business presence in Europe, Hong Kong and mainland China, as well as in Africa.
The Bank resulted from the acquisition in mid-2018 of former Banif – Banco de Investimento, S.A., a Portuguese based financial institution established in 2000 with universal license.