Modoolar is a company with years of experience, entrepreneurial spirit and clear vision. Using the most up-to-date and innovative technologies, we help our clients worldwide to choose the best solution for their business. We provide software development services, but for our customers we are not just service provider, we are also a partner. With extensive experience in implementing Odoo based applications, we can offer a custom tailored solution that perfectly meet your needs.
Here at Modoolar, we pay great attention to create great products that are based on Odoo platform. Therefore, we are proud to present Odoo Scrummer, an agile project management tool that supports Scrum framework. The Scrummer has been created in collaboration with world-renowned experts for Scrum and agile methodologies. Built on top of Odoo platform, it combines the power of an ERP with the Scrum framework and it could take your project management to the next level.
Integracija informatičkih sistema danas je neophodna za uspešno poslovanje. Svaka propuštena godina omogućava konkurenciji da bude bar jedan korak ispred vas. Zato je danas pravo vreme da planski unapredite i integrišete svoj poslovni sistem.
Ukoliko imate sve više posla, nedostaje vam ljudi i mali vam je budžet za razvoj, problem se može rešiti dobrim planom tehničkog razvoja. Mi možemo da vam pomognemo u nalaženju kompletnog rešenja — izradi plana, izboru tehnologije i opreme kao i integraciji/povezivanju celokupnog sistema uz korišćenje najnaprednije tehnologije i najsavršenije optičke opreme.
Bit Projekt, lider u oblasti komunikacionog inženjeringa u Srbiji i regionu, osnovan je 1993. godine u Beogradu. Preko dvadeset godina uspešno pomaže domaćim i stranim kompanijama i društvenim organizacijama da dostignu vrhunsko poslovanje.
Od samog osnivanja, kompanija je imala cilj da primenom najsavremenijih tehnoloških dostignuća i korišćenjem vrhunske opreme izradi najkvalitetnija rešenja svojim klijentima. Briga o klijentu bila je i ostala jedno od osnovnih načela poslovanja kompanije Bit Projekt.
CinemaNext is the largest cinema exhibition services company in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, providing smart, comprehensive solutions across the board, from projection equipment, audio systems, central systems, cinema outfitting, content management, 3D projection systems & glasses, TMS, digital signage, screens and seating to consulting services. Clients enjoy the highest level of reliability and lowest cost of ownership through our various services: consulting, design & project management, equipment sales and financing, installation, maintenance, support (NOC), online monitoring, content management, spare and consumables, service agreements and supply chain & logistics.
Talent Assessment- Transform your organization with our software and obtain end-to-end measurement for comprehensive talent management.
Training & Coaching - Support your people's growth in a systematic and continuos way, as they will lead your organization to success and desired profits.
Consulting -Accelerate your productivity by establishing effective business processes for your people and organization.
At hudi, we know that business can INSPIRE big changes in this world.
Each company has its role to play in this cultural TRANSFORMATION . Everyone must do their part to build a BETTER WORLD .
At hudi, we believe that when it's good for the planet , it's good for business. We want to stimulate the cultural transformation of society, towards a more responsible world .
Plot No: JLT-PH2-Y1A Dubai, UnitedArab Emirates.
License number DMCC-694805, Registration number: DMCC169065, T
With extensive experience in implementing Odoo based applications, we can offer a custom tailored solution that perfectly meet your needs.
Here at Modoolar, we pay great attention to create great products that are based on Odoo platform. Therefore, we are proud to present Odoo Scrummer, an agile project management tool that supports Scrum framework. The Scrummer has been created in collaboration with world-renowned experts for Scrum and agile methodologies. Built on top of Odoo platform, it combines the power of an ERP with the Scrum framework and it could take your project management to the next level.
Privatna kompanija Peštan je lider na Balkanu u proizvodnji i distribuciji proizvoda i rešenja od polimera. Kompanija je osnovana 1989. godine ibavila se proizvodnjom cevi za vodu od polietilena. Vremenom je uvodila nove materijale (polipropilen i PVC) i širila proizvodni program. Danas se u ponudi
može naći preko 8.500 proizvoda,
We focus primarily on the design of special machines for industrial automation. We have a proven record in working with the most reputable automatic assembly equipment builders in the US and Europe.
Besides, we can offer you a unique 2D and 3D CAD/CAM solutions, as well as solutions for various calculations and simulations, document management systems, running of CNC machines, etc.
SVOKSEN consists of an exceptional team of engineers who use 3D technologies every day and have many years of experience in working with equipment, always in step with new technologies. In addition to the technical team, the sales and management team is an essential link in the team.
Our strengths are technical expertise in this area and commitment to clients.
SVOKSEN is driven by solving customer problems. Our approach is to consult with clients to determine which solution is ideal for them and which service or combination of services might best suit them. Whether it’s solving technical problems, improving products or measuring accuracy.
TERI Engineering is a group of five companies established in 1990 with the headquarter in Belgrade, and daughter companies in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Our line of business is sales, integration & implementation of communication, automation and IT products and solutions.
We democratize space exploration. We make space exploration affordable, sustainable and open. A global endeavor with European roots.
Prvi i jedini proizvođač PVC profila u BiH | Yavuz prozori i vrata