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Akarigo Ltd
20-22 Wenlock Road
N1 7GU London Q1
Združeno kraljestvo
+44 7879 893622
Druge storitve

Akarigo Ltd

Our unique approach to business advice and technology solutions builds on the needs of business owners and CEOs for a common sense approach to running and growing a profitable business that will give them a competitive edge.

Attracting great interest at present is our Strategic Starter Programmes for Odoo systems that are designed to help organisations to start using an end-to-end Odoo business management system quickly but keep start-up costs low.

We will:

·       Help you analyse and agree quick business wins that will give your company the fastest   returns

·       Choose the best and most affordable combination of Apps to help improve productivity

·       Keep implementation times short and affordable so that results can be seen quickly

·       Arrange for strategic reviews for future plans and growth – i.e. align your vision and goals with systems         and Apps for your business needs


Calgavin Ltd.
CALGAVIN provides heat transfer solutions to new designs of heat exchangers and problematic heat exchangers in the field. Its engineering team is recognised worldwide for knowledge of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow. Through offering realistic and practical solutions the company has improved heat transfer performance across many sectors of the Process Industry.
Precision Dynamics Europe
PDC is part of the Brady Corporation, a manufacturer of complete solutions that identify and protect people, products and places.