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Customizing Backend Charm: Theming Odoo's Webclient Design for a Unique Look
Location: Hall 7.A - 9. 11. 23 13:30 - 9. 11. 23 14:30 (Europe/Brussels) (1 ura)
Customizing Backend Charm: Theming Odoo's Webclient Design for a Unique Look
Stefano Rigano
UI/UX Lead Designer at Odoo
Stefano Rigano
UI/UX Lead Designer at Odoo

Stefano joined Odoo in 2014 and he’s our RD-design team leader. His takes care of everything is product related, from the webclient, to POS to the website default design.

Join us for an interactive one-hour conference that's all about customizing Odoo backend (and more!) using SCSS.
This talk is designed with developers and designers in mind, whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills.

We'll kick things off with an easy-to-follow introduction to our SCSS environment and all the concepts you need to create a unique and user-friendly Odoo look.

The talk will also feature practical, real-world examples of backend customization using SCSS within the Odoo framework.
You'll see how to give your views a personalized touch, making them not only functional but visually appealing.

Lastly, we'll wrap up with some valuable tips and tricks on optimization and best practices, ensuring your SCSS customisations perform well and remain manageable and scalable.
By the end of this hour, you'll be well-prepared to harness the power of SCSS for your Odoo projects, taking your web development and design skills to the next level. See you there!