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A migration to success: Benefits experienced by a finland based brand from Odoo 13 Community to Odoo 16 Enterprise migration
Customer Success Story Community Talk
Location: Hall 7.F - 10. 11. 23 10:00 - 10. 11. 23 10:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
A migration to success: Benefits experienced by a finland based brand from Odoo 13 Community to Odoo 16 Enterprise migration
Megha Joshi
Senior Business Analyst at WEBKUL SOFTWARE PVT LTD
Megha Joshi
Senior Business Analyst at WEBKUL SOFTWARE PVT LTD

Megha is a seasoned Odoo expert with over 7 years of experience in Odoo, specializing in implementation and consultation. She is currently leading the business teams for the Website, POS, and Mobile domains of the Odoo department in Webkul. Her meticulous approach and creative problem-solving have garnered the trust of several clients worldwide.

Embark on a captivating narrative of digital transformation as we unveil the remarkable journey of "3Dkauppa," a Finland-based brand. Witness their path from Odoo 13 Community to the robust Odoo 13 Enterprise, and ultimately, their soaring progression to the cutting-edge Odoo 16 Enterprise. This triumphant odyssey is a testament to strategic planning, meticulous execution, and the realization of the unmatched benefits offered by the Enterprise version.

Explore the intricate procedure of migrating "3Dkauppa" from Odoo 13 Community to Enterprise. Navigate the complexities of data migration, custom module adjustments, and compatibility considerations. Uncover the thoughtfully crafted roadmap that prioritizes preserving data integrity and enhancing operational efficiency.

Confront the challenges head-on—whether they be customization adaptations, integration intricacies, or user adoption. Learn how "3Dkauppa" overcame obstacles through rigorous testing, collaborative efforts, and diligent problem-solving.

Discover the profound impact of upgrading to Odoo 13 Enterprise, as "3Dkauppa" reaps the rewards of advanced features, heightened security, and comprehensive support. Witness how the brand experienced heightened productivity, improved analytics, and an elevated customer experience.

Join us in celebrating the next phase of their journey—a bold migration to Odoo 16 Enterprise. Unveil the meticulous planning and execution that made this transition seamless, paving the way for enhanced agility, innovation, and competitiveness.

Witness a story of technological evolution, strategic foresight, and unwavering commitment. Experience how "3Dkauppa" harnessed the power of Odoo Enterprise to propel their business to new heights, reinforcing the narrative that every migration marks a step towards a brighter, more prosperous future.