MRP operations shop floor
Sean Clouden (secl)Opravljeno
Custom MRP: Using Odoo's Product Configurator to Pre-define BOMs and Streamline Production
Brittany Bannister (brba)Opravljeno
What's New in MRP?
Brandon Webber (brwe)Opravljeno
Manufacturing Planning & MPS
Allyssa Garvey (agar)Opravljeno
Quality Control Management in MRP
Abby Pearson (abpe)Opravljeno
Subcontracting Services Flow
Brian Herrmann (brhe)Opravljeno
Budget Accounting: Discover the New Budgeting App
Kevin Zaki (kez)Opravljeno
Unlock Cash Flow Easily: New Odoo Integration by AR Funding
Adam DostOpravljeno
What's New in Accounting?
Amani Raboudi (amra)Opravljeno
Accounting: Advanced Odoo Documents
Alexander Minney (almi)Opravljeno
Analytic Accounting in Manufacturing
Location: Golden Ballroom
23. 08. 24, 13:00
23. 08. 24, 13:30
(30 minut)
Matthew Jonas (matj)
Business Systems Analyst
at Odoo Inc.
Matthew Jonas (matj)
Business Systems Analyst
at Odoo Inc.
Identify key components of Odoo’s accounting which directly inserts relative information from the Manufacturing App. The presentation will focus on the change orders and ETOs for specific industries
- Show why this might be important for manufacturing plants or even subcontractors
- Walk through the demo and be able to identify key points
We will cover the basics of the system and be able to show the differences between a manual process and what Odoo can automate. This will be able to show value to the crowd and help them comprehend why this may be beneficial.