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Hos VK DATA ApS har vi siden 1994 været førende inden for levering af ERP-løsninger og digital transformation i Danmark. Som den første Odoo-partner i landet siden 2010, og nu som certificerede Odoo Silver Partnere, specialiserer vi os i skræddersyede ERP-løsninger, der imødekommer de specifikke behov for hver enkelt af vores kunder. Vores dybe forståelse og erfaring med både Odoo og deres tilgang gør os i stand til at tilbyde effektive og tilpassede løsninger.
Som den første Odoo-partner i Danmark, godkendt for fuld overensstemmelse med den nye bogføringslov, tilbyder vi vores kunder sikkerhed og tryghed i deres regnskabsprocesser, sikrede at alle løsninger opfylder gældende lovgivning.
Tilpassede ERP-løsninger
Vores mål er at optimere operationel effektivitet og understøtte vækst for virksomheder af alle størrelser. Fra enkle systemer til små virksomheder til avancerede løsninger for større organisationer, sikrer vi en problemfri overgang og maksimal tilpasning til kundens behov.
Sikkerhed og support
Sikkerheden er højeste prioritet for os, derfor er alle vores løsninger hostet i EU-certificerede datacentre. Vi tilbyder en omfattende supportpakke, inklusive backup-håndtering og adgang til de seneste opdateringer og vedligeholdelse gennem Odoo, sikrende at dit system altid er ajourført og tilpasset dine behov.
Vælg VK DATA som din partner
Som din partner i digital transformation er VK DATA dedikeret til at sikre, at din Odoo-løsning ikke blot opfylder, men overgår dine forventninger. Lad os sammen tage skridtet mod en mere effektiv og innovativ fremtid. Kontakt os for at høre, hvordan vi kan hjælpe med at transformere din virksomhed med Odoo.
Bogføringshjælp: https://vkdata.dk/bogfoeringshjaelp
Hjemmeside: https://vkdata.dk
ADMG specializes in digital manufacturing, offering solutions like 3D-simulation for the entire lifecycle of digital manufacturing and realistic 3D simulation of CNC machines with accurate collision-detection. They provide services including installation, training, on-site assistance, and optimization, covering areas such as mechanical/electrical, PDM/PLM, additive manufacturing, and more. Their vision is to enhance Scandinavian manufacturing competitiveness through digital manufacturing.
Akustikken is a Danish music store specializing in the sale of guitars, including acoustic guitars, electric guitars, nylon string guitars, and other string instruments like basses, mandolins, ukuleles, and more. They also offer a wide range of accessories, amplifiers, effects, and strings. Additionally, Akustikken has a workshop for the repair and maintenance of instruments. The store focuses on quality products and good customer service, with locations in both Aarhus and Copenhagen.
Bornholms Mosteri produces organic juice and cider, creates jobs for socially vulnerable people, and focuses on the natural taste and quality of ingredients without additives. Their products are organically certified and widely distributed in the Nordic countries. The company has a social responsibility, employs mentally vulnerable individuals, and has evolved from a municipal project into a business owned by local actors and the Social Capital Fund.
Boye Inventar is a modern carpentry company located in Langå, specializing in custom-designed and customer-specific products for the retail and construction industries. They aim to reduce costs for their clients by quickly, efficiently, and high-quality producing and delivering component parts.
Conxion provides marketing supply chain services including design, sourcing, and production of marketing materials. They offer innovative solutions with a dedicated team specializing in product design, procurement, production, logistics, and IT. Their platform enables efficient management of marketing materials, leading to reduced inventory, less administration, and improved overview of marketing activities. Conxion emphasizes the importance of freeing up resources so companies can focus on their core areas.
CORE-emt is a comprehensive supplier for Surface Mount Technology (SMT) assembly line machinery and equipment, serving OEM and EMS companies within the electronic industry in Scandinavia and the Baltic region. They offer a full range of SMT machines and tools, including exclusive supplies of YAMAHA SMT machinery, BTU reflow ovens, and Nutek conveyors. CORE-emt also provides in-house service, training, and machine demonstrations at their headquarters, emphasizing their specialization in delivering a smooth-running assembly line for PCB assembly.
Danbox Living specializes in architect-designed modular homes, emphasizing simplicity, functionality, and construction without the mess. They focus on enhancing the interaction between bright interiors and outdoor spaces, offering solutions for leisure homes and light commercial construction. With a commitment to providing a smooth building process, Danbox Living ensures the use of dry and healthy materials, aiming for a hassle-free experience for future homeowners.
Develtron er specialiseret i kundespecifikke lysløsninger til messer, udstillinger og butiksindretninger, med fokus på produktion i deres fabrik i Randers. De leverer også til danske el-installatører og elektrikere, der ønsker at drage fordel af deres store erfaring med LED-belysningsprodukter og industrielle løsninger til styring af LED-lys.
E. Krag Råstoffer A/S, established in 1954, is a reliable supplier of raw materials for the construction and civil engineering industry in Denmark and Germany. They emphasize high service and offer a wide range of products including granite chippings, gabion stones, water construction stones, stone dust, and certified sandbox sand from their 20,000 m² warehouse at Aabenraa Port.
ENIGMA is a museum dedicated to postal services, telecommunications, and communication, offering contemporary exhibits, a children's area, and workshops. It aims to make history relevant today, providing educational programs for all ages, exploring the evolution of communication, and offering activities that engage with the history and future of communication technologies.
Jysk Vinduesrådgivning offers consultancy and solutions for windows, doors, gates, stairs, and terrace coverings. They are known for their unique and innovative approaches that match both design and functionality with the customer's needs. Their focus is on enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of the home through quality materials and customized solutions.
Labmodul specializes in designing and furnishing laboratories with a focus on functionality, safety, and aesthetics. They likely offer a range of products and services tailored to the needs of laboratory environments, including modular lab furniture, safety equipment, and storage solutions.
Nodi A/S develops, produces, and sells automated machines for flanging, punching, and producing bellows mouthpieces, optimized for the production of axial and centrifugal fans, ducts, filters, silencers, and other specialized products. With a history dating back to 1975, Nodi A/S specializes in delivering customized machine solutions for steel forming worldwide, including their Nodi Universal Machine, Nodi Axial Machine, and Nodi Basic Machine.
Vi fokuserer specifikt på det, der er vigtigt for landbruget, når det kommer til en optimal produktionseffektivitet og samtidig med fokus på den fremtidige udvikling. Vi tilbyder derfor et produktsortiment som er nøje udvalgt med hensyntagen til nødvendig dokumentation, effekt og rentabilitet.
Vi opererer i en af verdens vigtigste industrier og er fuldt engagerede i at samarbejde med vores kunder og industripartnere for at sikre, at landbrugets fremtid forbliver lys.
Vores virksomhedsstrategi er baseret på profitabel og bæredygtig vækst, som skal opnås ved at bygge videre på en stigende markedsposition med en forståelse og respekt for de konstante optimeringer, der er påkrævet i forhold til bæredygtighed og miljø samt tilpasninger og behov i landbruget i øvrigt. Det skal skabe langsigtet værdi for alle involverede samarbejdspartnere og kunder.
Ole's Floors and Curtains, established in 1982, offers expertise in flooring and curtains for both private homes and businesses. Passionate about creating unique solutions, they provide advice and products tailored to meet individual needs and desires.
PURIFI is dedicated to eliminating technical barriers in the enjoyment of reproduced music through scientific breakthroughs in technology. They focus on developing ultra-low distortion transducer and amplifier technologies, aiming to set new standards in performance, quality, and ease of use. Their research in nonlinear control theory and advanced mathematical modeling has led to patented solutions that significantly improve sound reproduction.
Stål & Plast A/S, grundlagt i 1984, er specialiseret i fremstilling af Ebb and Flow bænkbakker til vanding ved brug af slagfast polystyren (HIPS). Deres bakker er anerkendt for deres kvalitet og pålidelighed i forbindelse med fremme af plantevækst og vandbesparelser i storstilet dyrkningsdrift. Virksomheden har en historie med kontinuerlig produkttest og forbedring, hvilket sikrer, at deres bakker opfylder behovene i moderne drivhuse globalt. Deres produktionsproces involverer en co-ekstruderingslinje, der producerer plader lavet af UV-stabilt HIPS, tilgængelige i standard og brugerdefinerede tykkelser. Stål & Plast er forpligtet til bæredygtighed, med produkter, der er 100% genanvendelige og designet til langvarig brug for at reducere vand- og næringsstof forbrug sammenlignet med traditionelle dyrkningsmetoder. De har udvidet deres operationer til at inkludere en fabrik i USA for bedre at betjene kunder i Nord- og Sydamerika.
Supertech Agroline ApS is a leading company in agricultural technology based in Denmark, offering advanced solutions for grain storage and monitoring. They specialize in temperature and moisture sensors, moisture meters, and grain monitoring software, designed to ensure optimal quality and protection of crops.
Systuen PANA ApS, located in Ry, Denmark, has specialized in producing curtains and other home textiles primarily for the retail sector since 1984. The company prides itself on its focus on quality, presence, high professionalism, and good service. With over 20 dedicated and skilled seamstresses, PANA offers a variety of specialized services and products, including custom solutions for both commercial and private clients. Their goal is to be the leading curtain sewing studio in Denmark, emphasizing service level, flexibility, quality, and precision. PANA emphasizes their commitment to sustainability by choosing environmentally friendly materials and conducting their production in Denmark, which enhances their flexibility and proximity to customers
UV Medico A/S specializes in utilizing Far UV-C technology for microbial control. Their products, like the UV222 series, are designed for different environments and offer effective disinfection while being safe for human exposure. They aim to provide solutions for cleanrooms, healthcare facilities, ambulances, and indoor air quality improvement.
Viking Webdesign offers a completely free website for small to medium-sized businesses, including a "Get Started" guide. They provide access to a professional system that companies can expand with additional modules as needed. Support and guides are available for purchase. The company is part of Eccex ApS, focusing on providing tools for optimal web presentation.
Zinc Denmark ApS, an advertising agency based in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, was founded in 2019. The company focuses on the design, development, production and sale of promotional items and profile clothing.