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AASAM General Trading
AASAM General Trading
ASAM Trading is a leading retail supplier in Kuwait, catering to both B2B and B2C customers. ASAM Trading has established a trusted brand in Kuwait's retail business by focusing on importing international items and delivering them to the local market.

The comprehensive product offering of ASAM Trade covers a diverse range of high-quality items from throughout the world. The firm is dedicated to supplying the greatest products at cheap costs to its consumers, and its staff of experienced experts works tirelessly to guarantee that all items meet the highest quality requirements.

ASAM Trading, as a B2B merchant, works directly with businesses of all sizes to supply them with the items they require to run smoothly and successfully.
The Odoo ERP Enterprise Edition version 15 caters to various requirements for business management. Modules for B2C/B2B sales management, consignment sales, local/foreign purchases, landed cost calculations, barcode management, lot monitoring with expiration, inventory changes, re-ordering rules, accounting reports, and customer statement of accounts and follow-up are available (company and branch-wise).

In addition, the program integrates with prominent e-commerce platforms like Shopify and payment providers like UPayment. The program has a daily backup capability to assure data protection and continuity. The software's extensive feature set and integrations make it an excellent alternative for firms trying to streamline their operations and boost productivity.

Aafaq Bookstore
Aafaq Bookstore
تأسست مكتبة آفاق في الكويت بشغف للكتب ورؤية لتصبح وجهة مفضلة لمحبي القراءة في البلد. منذ بدايتنا، كنا ملتزمين بتقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الكتب التي تلبي مختلف الاهتمامات والاحتياجات لعملائنا.

نحن نؤمن بأن القراءة والتعلم هما أساس النمو الشخصي والمهني، ونحن ملتزمون بجعل هذه الفرص متاحة لجميع أفراد مجتمعنا. يعمل فريقنا المؤلف من عشاق الكتب والمحترفين بلا كلل على مراجعة مجموعتنا، والتي تتضمن أحدث وأكثر الكتب شعبية في مختلف الأنواع، بما في ذلك الأدب الخيالي وغير الخيالي، وكتب الأطفال، والكتب الدراسية، وغير ذلك الكثير.

تتجلى التزامنا بالتعليم والتعلم مدى الحياة في مجموعتنا من المواد التعليمية، التي تشمل دليل الدراسة والكتب المرجعية وغيرها من المصادر التي تدعم الأغراض الأكاديمية والمهنية.

في مكتبة آفاق، نحن أكثر من مجرد مكتبة، نحن مجتمع. نحن نسعى لخلق بيئة شاملة وودية حيث يمكن لمحبي الكتب اكتشاف أفكار جديدة، والتواصل مع الأفراد ذوي الأهواء المماثلة، والمشاركة في التبادل الثقافي. تهدف فعالياتنا الثقافية والأنشطة، مثل توقيع الكتب، والمحاضرات الحوارية، والمبادرا
Al Wazzan Veterinary Store
Al Wazzan Veterinary Store
Al Wazzan Vet Pharmacy was established in Kuwait in 1992. It is a Family Business owned by Alwazzan, that was instituted with the aim to support and develop the pigeon hobby and sport. They have since then expanded to other products to include Birds, Falconry, Poultry, Pets, And Farm Animals. With a wide range of Feed additives to specialized feeds, veterinary pharmaceuticals, and some accessories necessary for hobbyists. Today Al Wazzan vet pharmacy is Kuwait's most professional vet pharmacy and has become the first specialized company in the region to support and offer everything required under one roof. Their international partners from Europe are the pioneers and market leaders in this field and have helped them to present the best products to their customers in Kuwait.

Their Challenge - The many limitations they faced with the previous Odoo integration. Refine areas of implementation that were previously under-serviced. Kuwait Protocol, the official Odoo partner, carefully analyzed Al Wazzan’s business to pinpoint areas of improvement.

The Al Wazzan team opted for the Odoo Version 15 with modules required for their business to run smoothly and efficiently. The point-of-Sale system assures efficacious and competent trading and customer satisfaction. CRM module to handle all upcoming leads efficiently along with related tasks. Inventory, Purchase, Sales & Accounting module that will fulfill the needed requirements from Barcode scanning to managing the different warehouses, into issuing PO with the suppliers fully integrated with the inventory to receive the products. We are assisting with the proper configuration of Odoo software and offer advice on best practices.