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Owl Devtools: Exploring, Debugging, and Optimizing Your JS Code Like Never Before
Расположение: Hall 7.A - 09.11.2023, 11:30 - 09.11.2023, 12:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 минут)
Owl Devtools: Exploring, Debugging, and Optimizing Your JS Code Like Never Before
Julien Carion
Developer на Odoo
Julien Carion
Developer на Odoo

Julien started to work at Odoo as an intern in november and has been working full time on the Owl devtools for 5 months before officially joining Odoo and the Javascript framework team. He created the devtools from scratch with the help of the JS team and is still, among other things, in charge of the maintenance of the project.

In this talk, we will give a a brief technical overview of how this system is implemented, go over its key features, and perform a demonstration about how it can be used to better debug, profile and implement Owl code.