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Automated Inventory Valuation Tips and Tricks
Demo Functional
Расположение: Studio 2 - 01.10.2020, 19:00 - 01.10.2020, 19:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 минут)
Automated Inventory Valuation Tips and Tricks
Aaron Henriquez Quintana
Technical Consultant на FORGEFLOW, S.L.
Aaron Henriquez Quintana
Technical Consultant на FORGEFLOW, S.L.

Aaron Henriquez Quintana is a technical consultant at Forgeflow with 5 years of experience in Odoo. He is a demand driven planned professional. Presenter of RMA application for Odoo at Odoo Experience 2018 and 2019 and Purchase request application at Odoo Experience 2019. 

Automated inventory valuation is a powerful tool we can use in Odoo. It is an indispensable tool for manufacturing companies and companies with high stock rotation levels. However, some expertise is needed if you don't want to see yourself adjusting your inventory every day. You will see how to configure your inventory accounting properly in order to take the most of it. You will learn what are the key aspects you need to take into account in order to be confident with your inventory valuation. If you have a wrong inventory valuation, you will learn how to put the correct numbers back. Once everything is running fine, reviewing the numbers will not be a nightmare anymore, and your income statement will be accurate.

The presentation is divided in two parts, a presentation and a live demo. In this presentation, you will be shown the importance of automated inventory valuation and how to achieve that in Odoo. In the live demo you will see how to solve the most typical issue you may find in your company. 


If we set up the inventory valuation account the same as the stock input account, what is the accounting inventory value after receiving a product with a standard cost of $100?
If we use a product as a component in a manufacturing order, and we want to control the cost of the products used for manufacturing (separately from other uses), where should you set up the account?
We realized that we have the same account for the stock valuation and the stock input account and stock output account. What of the following options is best in terms of correct inventory valuation?