There and Back Again - Navigating pandemics, scale-ups, downsizing, and more with Odoo
Brian JacksonВыполнено
Studio for Beginners
Conor WhiteВыполнено
Enhancing the Customer Experience by Solving Challenging eCommerce Workflows
Kaylie KipeВыполнено
Why Kiosk Group Chose Odoo 17 Over NetSuite
Cecilie BarretoВыполнено
Discover How Odoo Helps you Streamline your Recruitment Processes
Julia Niedziela (juni)Выполнено
Time-Off Management
Lara Star Martini (larm)Выполнено
Streamlining Processes: Simplify, Automate, and Sign with Odoo Sign
Maximilian Moslow (mmos)Выполнено
Unveiling the Magic of Fine-Grained Reactivity in Owl 2
Samuel Degueldre (sad)Выполнено
Odoo.sh Countinuous Integration
Sean Murray (semu)Выполнено
Advanced Odoo Studio
Emily Jaworski (emja)Выполнено
Knowledge Base
Расположение: Second Floor - Hall 2
22.08.2024, 12:30
22.08.2024, 13:00
(30 минут)
George Alexander (geal)
George Alexander (geal)
Odoo Knowledge is a tool that helps your team collect and share useful information. It’s like a central hub where everyone can add and access information, tips, tricks, procedural instructions, and more, either on their own or working collaboratively with other team members.
We will specifically cover:
- Article Creation
- Parent-Child Article Structure
- Properties within Child Articles
- Article Sharing and Access Rights