Gaapex Sàrl
Fiduciaire dynamique et novatrice, Gaapex Sàrl est active dans toute la Suisse. Basée à Lausanne et à Zürich, elle propose aux start-ups, PME et sociétés internationales des solutions de gestion administrative et financière, innovantes et flexibles par l'utilisation de logiciels de gestion de dernière génération basés sur le web. Финансовый сектор / СтрахованиеPHR Fiduciaire SA
Fiduciaire / Odoo v15Applications principales : comptabilité, facturation, documents.
PHR Fiduciaire SA est une entreprise de fiduciaire basée à Fully en Valais. Ils utilisent Odoo pour gérer la comptabilité et le suivi d'un de leurs clients importants ayant des besoins spécifiques.
Trustee / Odoo v15
Main applications: accounting, invoicing, documents.
PHR Fiduciaire SA is a trust company based in Fully in Valais. They use Odoo to manage the accounting and follow-up of one of their important customers with specific needs. Финансовый сектор / Страхование
SGR Compliance è leader nell'analisi e raccolta dati: ogni giorno centinaia di intermediari finanziari e altri soggetti regolamentati utilizzano il nostro database per adempiere ai propri obblighi di compliance e di tutela dell'integrità del proprio business. E' tra le poche organizzazioni al mondo che raccoglie, organizza e offre biblioteche costantemente aggiornate di informazioni cruciali per la prevenzione del riciclaggio di denaro e del finanziamento del terrorismo. Финансовый сектор / СтрахованиеSatriun Group AG
We are Satriun. We push the boundaries of corporate performance management. By speaking the language of the CFO and understanding his challenges. With top-of-the-league specialists in transforming finance and integrating systems. True experts with client-side experience and a never-settle-for-less mentality. We always deliver, regardless of the challenge. Where others have failed, we take over. We get the job done. In time. On budget. Unlocking new opportunities. That is what drives us. That is what make us Satriun. Финансовый сектор / Страхование AG
Von einfachen as-lean-as-possible Lösungen bis zu komplexen internationalen Fertigungsbetrieben mit Konzernwerteflüssen – wir haben Erfahrung darin. Unser Hintergrund in SAP, IFS und Microsoft Dynamics ermöglicht es uns, Best Practices in Odoo einfliessen zu lassen und gleichzeitig das volle Potential eines modernen Systems nutzen zu können.Финансовый сектор / Страхование