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Wen Hsin Yang
Odoo este o gură de aer proaspăt și singurul concurent pe care l-am putut găsi care se încadrează în noua era a software-ului de management. diferenta de pret este incredibila. A fost cu 75% mai puțin decât concurenții. Am fost socat.

Jacky Lecuivre
Odoo a permis companiei noastre să crească de la o cifră de afaceri de 2,4 milioane USD la 15 milioane USD în doar 4 ani. Ah, și este atât de ieftin încât prima dată m-am gândit că cotația lor anuală este lunară. :)

Pankaj Takkar
Engginium INC
We could not thank Odoo enough for making our lives so simple and easy. As a manufacturing company, going with Odoo was a game-changer.

Stella Fredo
Geely (CEVT)
With Odoo, our lead times and processes were reduced from weeks to days, days to hours, and hours to minutes. That is how business software should be: helping employees do more in less time!

Marc Peeters
Manager General al Diviziei de Vânzări, Sodexo
We replaced 14 legacy applications by Odoo and increased revenues by 10% overnight. It’s incredible the leverage you get when details are well managed in a clean system.

David Fowler
We achieved under 10 days in Odoo what took us 100 days in NetSuite. I regularly find cases where things cannot easily be achieved with NetSuite but are out-of-the-box with Odoo. How come Odoo is 7x cheaper than Netsuite? Just incredible!

Nür Alsahlaïd
With most systems, you get 70% of what you hoped. With Odoo, you get more than what you expected. You, guys, will transform the market.

Ministério da Educação
Over the past three years, we replaced 150 legacy applications by Odoo. We use Odoo for several of our most complex and visible processes: HR, budgets, assets management, road infrastructure, universities, inventories, etc. It allowed us to cut our budgets by 70%, for a better system!
-- Comunicat de presă oficial al Comisiei Europene [1] [2] [3]

SAP Digital Supply Chain
Ați găsit secretul eficienței lanțului de aprovizionare în dezorganizare? Citiți studiul Oxford Economics pentru a vedea ce am învățat

Dr. Dilkhush
Yup- our company finally figured it out. The secret is to reduce expense on SAP, reduce complexity and cost, and switch to a 21st century customer centric solution like @Odoo. Costul întregii implementări ne-a costat mai puțin decât AMC-ul sistemului nostru SAP umflat. Cel mai bun pas pe care l-am făcut. La revedere, SAP!

Musaib Shaikh
Inginer asociat software la NewVision Software
Same story here. Working just too good.

Xavier Schmitz
CEO al Santi-Shop
Am folosit o mulțime de alte magazine de comerț electronic anterior, cum ar fi OS-Commerce, PrestaShop sau Magento. Cred că acesta este cu siguranță mai simplu și mai ușor de utilizat. În plus, îmi place că nu trebuie să fii designer sau programator pentru a-ți începe ECommerce-ul.
Enis Hyseni
Senior software architect
#Odoo was an interesting experience.
The more we learnt about it, the more we realized how pure the system is.
In Kosovo, starting from nothing in just 1.5 years, we built the system of:
1. Franchise of largest courier provider in Europe.
2. The second largest ISP of the country.
3. Largest fitness network in the country.
4. Two largest municipalities, including capitol of Kosovo.
This is how effective Odoo is, and from my point of view as a software architect, it's the best open source platform ever done.