Abou Aly Nurseries
Originating in the fertile soils of the Nile Delta in Lower and Upper Egypt, farming operations have been privately run by the family for the past five generations . Farming has since expanded into newly reclaimed desert farming areas. Abou Aly Nurseries is a family owned and managed operation. Established in the 1980s by Alaa Abou Aly with the propagation of pomme and stone fruit. Alaa Abou Aly is a pioneer nurseryman and a guru in the nursery industry. Over they years our nursery has forged lasting relationships with world's leading fruit nurseries. Abou Aly Nurseries' success arises from our long term partnerships with the world's leading breeding programs. The extensive research and development of new fruit cultivars for the Egyptian fruit industry is what distinguishes our product offer. AgriculturăAgripure
Established in 2015, Agripure is an FDA approved organic producer and global supplier ofbotanical herbs and spices. We grow all our crops in our farms in Egypt and export
worldwide.We design our recipes according to Customers’ taste
We have a lot of customers looking for our products and you can see this through Reviews Agricultură
Al Fath Group
Al-Fath Group for Poultry, Animal, and Agricultural Production is one of the oldest and largest companies in Egypt in this field. Established over 30 years ago, the company has a strong national presence and is constantly working to help solve some of the country's major challenges, such as unemployment. The company provides employment for more than 1,000 workers across its various projects and branches, including both regular and non-regular workers.Agricultură
Al Shahin For Food (Fresh Farm)
Al Shahin Company for development and Food FRESH FARM is an Egyptian Shareholding companyspecialized in processing and packaging all types of meat. The company and factories are based in “Al
Obour City” the city that’s ranked as the number one industrial city all over Egypt. Al Shahin is also the
sole owner of the highly rated Spanish brand “Martinez Barragan. The Spanish company who has been
founded in 1978 and based in Cordoba, Spain is considered to be one of the market leaders in the
European food industry. The acquisition of Martinez Barragan S.A. by Al Shahin S.A. that took place in
2014 has been labelled as a major step for Al Shahin in obtaining a valuable market share in the
European food market. A
RESH FARM all levels of operation are based on the implementation of an integrated management
system that complies with the requirements of the latest international standards for ISO 9001, FSSC
22000, ISO / IEC 17025, ISO 18001, ISO 14001
The company is committed to continuous improvement of the management and integrated system by
educating, training and motivating employees to carry out tasks in a responsible manner and to
emphasize the strategy of continuous professional development. FRESH FARM all levels of operation are
based on the implementation of an integrated management system that complies with the
requirements of the latest international standards for ISO 9001, FSSC 22000, ISO / IEC 17025, ISO 18001,
ISO 14001 Targeting an increasing market share in the food market in Egypt, Gulf, and African countries.
Vision Distinguishing the high quality of our products through a wide network of distribution outlets that
continuously meet customer expectations and confirm their satisfaction, and meet the requirements of
the parties involved in the activities of the company through the application and continuous
improvement of effective integrated management systems. Agricultură
Bashaier Farms
شركة البشاير للصناعات الغذائية هي شركة مساهمة مصرية رائدة في استيراد وتربية وصناعات اللحوم، بالأضافة إلى عدة شراكات واستثمارات في دول إقليمية وعالمية كالبرازيل وأوكرانيا وكولومبيا واثيوبياتعمل الشركة منذ اليوم الأول على تقديم منتجات طازجة وعالية الجودة للعملاء، بالأضافة إلى تطبيق أعلى المعايير العالمية في التربية والتصنيع والتعبئة والجودة وخدمة العملاء
وايمانا منا بقيم النزاهة والتطوير والواجب المجتمعى نسعى دائما إلى التحسين المستمر في أعمالنا وإلى اطلاق ً منتجات ومسارات جديدة داخل السوق المحلية والأقليمية للمساهمة في نمو الأقتصاد وتوفير المزيد من فرص العمل محليا وأقلميا تماشيا مع رؤية الدولة المصرية 2030 لجعل مصر دولة رائدة صناعياً في افريقيا والمنطقة
Belmach for Import
Belmachinery» is an international company uniting like-minded people from Belarus, Egypt and Russia.«Belmachinery» represents OJSC «MTW» and «BELARUS» tractors in the Egyptian market since 2015. During this period, thousands of units of agricultural machinery were delivered to Egypt. Agricultură
Centech is a family run business founded in the late 1960's, where in the late 1980’s Centech expanded its business by entering the Agricultural Sector through the importation of Fertilizers. Today Centech has several distribution contracts with global fertilizer companies such as SQM, Everris and Mitsui.Centech chose YDS to be its digital transformation partner, by refining their current state business processes and implementing their business case on Odoo ERP using Odoo's operation modules & application to link the different departments with each other more efficiently & to facilitate the decision making process to the management by allowing them to use the powerful reporting capabilities of Odoo. Agricultură
Dairy Link
ما بين الرؤيا و القيم علاقة طويلة الامد مبنية على الثقة والتعاون ما بين (ديري لينك) و عملائنا و رغبتنا في الوصول لوضع مميز في مجالناالنهوض بأهم قطاع من الانتاج الحيواني وهو مزارع الالبان و مواجهة الصعوبات التي تواجه مربي الابقار بغض النظر عن مدي صعوبتها
تقديم الحلول السريعة والفعالة والتي تناسب مربي الابقار
من منطلق كوننا مربين ابقار نمتلك ما يكفي من الخبرة لفهم مشكلات و احتياجات مربي الابقار
نقدم المساعدة لمزارع الالبان في التغذية من تكوين علائق وايجاد حلول لمشاكل سوء التغذية
رفع الكفاءة الانتاجية للابقار
توفير دعم فني للمزارع في كل ما يخص مزارع الالبان من
رعاية الابقار
التناسل والخصوبة
كيفية تحقيق اعلى ربحية من الابقار
نمتلك فريق عمل كبير من المتخصصين وذوي الخبرة
اعداد دراسات الجدوى التي تناسب مربي الابقار و تساعده على تنظيم اعماله
Dina Farms was founded in 1987 and has become Egypt’s and Africa’s largest private integrated dairy farm with more than 15,000 head of cattle of which over 8,000 are milking cows.Dina Farms produces its own branded pasteurized fresh milk, yoghurt, cheese, butter and skimmed milk powder in addition to selling raw milk to other local and international dairy producers in Egypt.
The farm is established over an area of 10,000 acres strategically located on the busy Cairo-Alexandria Desert road close to the major local consumption markets and the coastal city of Alexandria. Agricultură
Specializes in the field of grains and pulses trading, with a strong presence in the Egyptian market. Established in 2013 as a joint-stock company, their primary objective is to emerge as a leading trading company in Egypt.With an annual import volume exceeding 500,000 MT of wheat, EL-BOSTAN FOR MILLING stands as one of the prominent grain suppliers in the Egyptian market. This substantial operation requires a reliable, efficient, and powerful ERP system in the backend. To address this need, we have successfully implemented the Odoo ERP system for El-BOSTAN, allowing them to effectively manage their core business operations.
Furthermore, we have gone beyond the standard Odoo ERP implementation by developing and seamlessly integrating additional Odoo applications. This approach has enabled El-BOSTAN to harness the full potential of Odoo ERP, optimizing their operations for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Agricultură
Egy green Agro Export
Egygreen started in 2003 based in Cairo, Egypt. It owns a huge pack-house located in Sadat City, Egypt. Egygreen is one of the pioneers in
the field of exporting fresh fruits and vegetables all over the world in
Europe, Africa, and Asia, besides Arab countries. All year round,
Egygreen provides a day-fresh range of fruits, and vegetables to its
clients: importers, wholesalers, supermarkets, caterers, and the
processing industry. At Egygreen, we believe in providing our
customers with the finest selection of regional fresh fruits and
vegetables, because our customers insist on the best and we ensure
their requirements are met. Agricultură
Egyptian Company for Agriculture & Rural Development S.A. E
ECARD Egyptian Company for Agricultural and Rural Development will have a major role in supporting contract farming.• This will improve the level of income for farmers and increase their profitability through enhancing financing and support for all elements of the value chains for agricultural crops, • The company’s role in contracting between the farmer and the factory, in addition to its developmental role, by entering partnerships with investors to stimulate investment in the fields of agricultural (Crops-Seeds- Fertilizers- Machines).• The main aim is to control the financial support and be sure that it is used by the farmers without Abusing this financial support in the black market AgriculturăEgyptian Growers Organization
Egyptian Growers Organization (EGO) is an unique company in Egypt representing a collaboration of growers with farms in various locations throughout the country. EGO's goal is to market the high quality products available from our farms to our clients abroad. AgriculturăEl Ammar Co for Agriculture Development, Poultry and Animal Production
شركة العمار للتنمية الزراعية والإنتاج الحيوانى والداجنىإستصلاح وتجهيز الأراضى بالمرافق الأساسية التى تجعلها قابلة للإستزراع وإستزراع الأراضى المستصلحة .
تربية جميع أنواع الحيوانات سواء كان ذلك لإنتاج السلالات أو الآلبان أو التسمين أو اللحوم .
تربية جميع أنواع الدواجن والطيور سواء كان ذلك لإنتاج السلالات أو التفريخ أو إنتاج البيض أو التسمين أو اللحوم .
إقامة المزراع السمكية وكذا صيد الأسماك .
إقامة وتشغيل مجزر لذبح وتهيئة الطيور الحية والدواجن .
إقامة وتشغيل مصنع لتصنيع المصنعات الخاصة باللحوم والطيور والدواجن المبردة والمجمدة والمجهزة والنصف مقلية .
إقامة وتشغيل ثلاجة لحفظ الحاصلات الزراعية والمنتجات الصناعية والمواد الغذائية وتبريدها أو تجميدها .
إقامة وتشغيل مصنع لتصنيع الآعلاف بكافة أنواعها وإضافات الآعلاف ومعالجة وتدوير مخلفات المجازر .
التصنيع لدى الغير وتأجير الثلاجات والفراغات .
عموم الإستيراد والتصدير وعلى الأخص إستيراد وتصدير اللحوم والدواجن المبردة والمجمدة والمنتجات الغذائية Agricultură
El Nasr Company for Investment and Agricultural Development (NIDC)
شركة رائدة تعمل في مجال تجارة الأجهزة الكهربائية منذ عام 1998 وكان حرصها الدؤوب منذ اللحظات الأولى في مجال التجارة اكتساب ثقة العميل وبناء علاقة وثيقة مع اكبر قاعدة من العملاء .وتسعى دائما إلى تحقيق المزيد من النجاح والتقدم فالعميل دائما معنا في ضمان وأمان Agricultură
El Nasr Company for Investment and Agricultural Development (NIDC), El Nasr Company for Electronic Appliances
شركة رائدة تعمل في مجال تجارة الأجهزة الكهربائية منذ عام 1998 وكان حرصها الدؤوب منذ اللحظات الأولى في مجال التجارة اكتساب ثقة العميل وبناء علاقة وثيقة مع اكبر قاعدة من العملاء .وتسعى دائما إلى تحقيق المزيد من النجاح والتقدم فالعميل دائما معنا في ضمان وأمان Agricultură