Opéra royal de Wallonie
L'Opéra Royal de Wallonie Liège, institution belge, utilise Odoo pour la gestion d'achats de matières premières destinées à la réalisation de leurs costumes et décors. Ils utilisent également la gestion de stock et réalisent l'analyse de leurs coûts dans Odoo. Administrație publicăPRV
Het Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Centrum voor het Bouwbedrijf is een Belgische particuliere onderzoeksinstelling die in 1960 werd opgericht op initiatief van de beroepsorganisatie en heeft tot doel het toegepast onderzoek in de industrie te bevorderen, om aldus het concurrentievermogen te verhogen. Men zal er Odoo in gebruik nemen voornamelijk voor het financiële luik, ter vervanging van het verouderde Crystal.The Belgian Building Research Institute is a private research institute founded in 1960 under impulse of the National Federation of Belgian Building Contractors in application of the so-called "De Groote" decree-law of 1947.
This decree-law named after the former Minister of Economic Affairs was specifically aimed at the promotion of applied research in the construction industry, in order to improve its competitiveness.They will introduce Odoo mostly for financial department in order to replace Crystal. Administrație publică
Palais Goëss-Horten GmbH
( x ) MuseumDie Heidi Hortencollection ist ein privates Museum in Wien, das eine einzigartige Sammlung von Kunstwerken aus dem 20. und 21. Jahrhundert präsentiert. Zu den Highlights gehören Werke von Francis Bacon, Gustav Klimt, Damien Hirst, Egon Schiele, Yves Klein und Mimmo Paladino. Das Museum bietet regelmäßig wechselnde Ausstellungen an, die die Vielfalt und Schönheit der Kunst zeigen. Besuchen Sie die Heidi Hortencollection und lassen Sie sich von den Farben und Formen inspirieren!
( > ) www.hortencollection.com
Administrație publică
Politische Akademie
( x ) VereinDie Politische Akademie der Volkspartei ist eine staatlich anerkannte Bildungseinrichtung, die sich der politischen Bildung und dem Dialog auf der Basis der Werte und Grundsätze der Volkspartei widmet. Sie bietet Seminare, Vorträge, Online-Inhalte und Buchpublikationen zu verschiedenen politischen Themen an. Sie versteht sich als Raum für Entwicklung für alle, die sich für Politik interessieren und engagieren wollen. Die Politische Akademie hat ihren Sitz in Wien und ist in ganz Österreich aktiv.
( > ) www.politische-akademie.at
Administrație publică
Post Télécom
POST Luxembourg, formerly known as Entreprise des Postes et Télécommunications, is a mail and telecommunications company based in Luxembourg. The company is a government-owned corporation that was corporatised in 1992. It also sells financial services and holds a monopoly on issuing postage stamps in the Grand Duchy. Administrație publicăPrivate Office of H.H Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan
MBK Group is leading solution company, with a vested interest in the people behind its businesses. At MBK, we are focused on a dynamic and decisive approach to investments. We operate a straightforward and effective business model identifying commercial potential and translating it into business entities by providing International business and corporate solutions. To fill the gap of quality corporate advisory services we assist corporate and today’s entrepreneurs to establish and expand their businesses in United Arab Emirates. We are based in Dubai, through our well-established network of associate firms, we provide the best consultancy services across the world. Through our experience and deep knowledge of market, we guide you about the entire process and advice the best option that suits you. We can also help you with the solution to execute your idea in the best possible way.Administrație publică
Provinciale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij West-Vlaanderen
POM West-Vlaanderen is een provinciaal agentschap dat van West-Vlaanderen een provincie wil maken waar ondernemers kunnen groeien op een duurzame manier. Men stimuleert het ondernemerschap, investeren in ruimte om te ondernemen, brengen innovatie dichter bij de ondernemer, ontwikkelen het aanwezige talent in West-Vlaanderen en geven data en informatie op maat.Odoo wordt er gebruikt voor diverse doeleinden: het beheren van evenementen, het versturen van mailings, het bijhouden van tijdsregistratie, fietsvergoedingen, thuiswerkaanvragen, … Administrație publică
Prytula Charity Foundation
Serhiy Prytula has been helping the Ukrainian Army as a private volunteer since 2014. At first, he helped with the uniforms, armor, and food supplies, later, when these needs started to be covered by the Ministry of Defense, he switched to high-tech technology, drones, and equipment for command posts.In 2020, during the pandemic, Serhiy started the Charitable Foundation for non-military aid. In February 2022 the Foundation joined the Army supply movement, covering the needs of both the Armed Forces fighters and members of Territorial Defense units.
The Foundation opened its own logistic centers at the border with Poland and in Lviv for more effective cargo shipping from Europe to Ukraine. The Foundation buys protective gear, optic devices, drones, medical supplies, and transport vehicles for the military. Another direction they work on is humanitarian aid.
Odoo helps the Foundation organize applications for assistance, as well as inventory.
https://prytulafoundation.org Administrație publică
Qatar Security and Guarding Services
Qatar Security & Guarding Services CO. (QTR-S), registered under the Ministries of Finance and trading (No. 21126/3) and the Municipal Affairs (No. 106392).We offer high quality services in Security & Guarding, Facility Management and Operations, Industrial Cleaning, Maintenance, Hospitality, Technical Services, Training Services, Money transfer service.
Our goal is to provide and mentain high quality and proficient services, with cost effective sollutions. Our approach is as flexible as it is professional. Customers can choose just a single service or a fully managed integrated facility solution made up of numerous business streams. To meet such a broad range of business needs, we have built a team of personnel who share a dedication to impeccable customer care, a flexible approach and a belief in teamwork. With this solid foundation we continue to go from strength to strength in facility services.
We believe in working in partnership with our customers and building long term relation-ships, delivering all our services to ensure fully integrated solutions. Our Group is taking care of your office, warehouse, factory, retail shop and residence, by providing and ensuring its security, property management, cleaning and pest control. Administrație publică